Where the offer contemplates the performance of or forbearance from an act as the consideration of the promise of the offeror, the performance or forbearance is an acceptance , unless the offeror expressly or impliedly prescribes that the acceptance must be communicated. You may respond by mail”) would be expressly authorize resulting in an acceptance sent by the suggested means being effective on dispatch. Now we have seen previously that an offer cannot be revoked after the offeror has communicated it to the offeree. Then the offer becomes binding, it creates legalrelations between the two parties.
So when is the communication complete? If the parties are talking face-to-face this is not a problem. The communication happens in real timeand the offer and acceptance will be communicated on the spot, creating no confusion. So, in this case, the timeline of communication is important. See full list on toppr.
Example if A tells B he will fix his roof for five thousand rupees, the communication is complete as soon as the words are spoken. Let us take the same example. A writes to B offering to fix his roof for five thousand rupees. He posts the letter on 2nd July. The letter reaches B on 4th July.

So the communication is said to complete on 4thJuly. In this case of communication of acceptance , there are two factors to consider, the mode of acceptance and then the timing of it. The communication of acceptance has two parts.
Acceptance can be done in two ways, namely 1. As against the Offeror: For the proposer, the communication of the acceptance is complete when he puts such acceptance in the course of transmission. After this it is out of his hand to revoke such acceptance , so his communication will be completed then. The IndianContract Act lays out the rules of revocation of an offer in Section 5. Once the acceptance is communicated to the proposer, revocation of the offer is now not possible. B gets the letter on 14th July.

A accepts the offer and posts the letter on 10th July. But for B (the proposer) the acceptance has been communicated on 10th July itself. So the revocation of offer can only happen before the 10thof July. Section also states that acceptance can be revoked until the communication of the acceptance is completed against the acceptor.
No revocation of acceptance can happen after such date. Again from the above example, the communication of the acceptance is complete against A (acceptor) on 14th July. So technically between 10th and 14thJuly, A can decide to revoke the acceptance.

Q: Can an acceptor revoke the acceptance after they have mailed the letter of acceptance ? The acceptor can revoke the offer until the communication of the acceptance is complete against the said acceptor. Such communication is complete when the proposer receives the letter of acceptance. So in the time frame between posting the letter and the letter being received by the proposer, the acceptor can revoke the acceptance. If you see, there will be some steps of sequences that you have to take.
It gives us the feeling of being overwhelmed with so much gratitude and that we would also want to share our achievement with people who helped in the sidelines. When is communication for offer acceptance complete? To simplify the definition of a contract, it can be called an agreement that legally binds two or more parties. What is a revocation of offer?
A contract can be verbal or written and is enforceable under the law. Besides, communication of acceptance is complete when it is communicated to the offeror. As the topic we are discussing, acceptance must be communicated to the proposer in order to make a contract valid. There are several rules dealing with the communication of acceptance that are the acceptance must be communicated.
This is a communication tool that tells a potential employer that you are interested in taking up the job offer. Here are a few sample Letters Templates that you can use for that purpose. Introduction In this Industrial Revolution 4. The most vital thing, in either case, is that acceptance should be communicated towards the offeror either by the offeree or by means of some duly authorized agent on his behalf.
The communication of proposals, the acceptance of proposals, and the revocation of proposals and acceptance , respectively, are deemed to be made by any act or omission of the party proposing, accepting or revoking, by which he intends to communicated such proposal, acceptance or revocation, or which has the effect of communicating it. Rejectionmay be effected by positive communication as well as by silence. Rejection terminates the offer, and any further dealings between the parties must involve a fresh offer.
If an offeror amends a term prior to acceptance , the change revokes the offer and the new proposal becomes a new offer.