Cbus pds fees

Death premiums per unit: $1. For the costs of Income Protection cover for Cbus Sole Trader members see the Insurance guide (Sole Trader Super). The actual fee will be determined at the end of the financial year and published in your June statement. If your account balance for a product is less than $0at the end of the financial year, the total combined amount of administration fees , investment fees and indirect costs charged to you is capped at of your account balance.

Any amount charged above this cap will be refunded to you. See full list on cbussuper. Cbus has over $billion of members superannuation funds under management. What is Cbus superannuation PDS? Investment Fee ( pa) 0. Indirect Cost Ratio ( pa) 0. Changing the way your fees are communicated won’t affect the fees you pay or the actual return you receive from Cbus.

From this date, you can find comprehensive fee details in our fees and charges section. Excludes the cost of insurance. Transferring your funds over is easy.

Cbus Industry Super PDS (PDF) – This handbook is for employees receiving super contributions from their employer. Deducted from your account at the end of each month or when you close your account. Cbus Super Income Stream PDS (PDF) – This handbook is for those looking to receive their superannuation as regular income payments. This document shows fees and other costs that you may be charged.

These fees and costs may be deducted from your money, from the returns on your investment or from the fund assets of the superannuation entity as a whole. Other fees , such as activity fees , advice fees for personal advice and insurance fees may also be charge but these will depend on the nature of the activity, advice or insurance chosen by you. Entry fees and exit fees cannot be charged.

Taxes, insurance and other costs relating to insurance are set out in another part of this document. You should read all the information about fees and costs because it is important to understand their impact on your investment. The fees and other costs associated with an investment in Hostplus, are set out below.

For a breakdown of the fees and costs for each investment option, refer to section 6. You should use this table to compare this superannuation product with other superannuation products. Note: additional fees may apply. As a result these figures are indicative only and may change in subsequent years depending on (for example) the performance of each option. These costs are deducted before the net investment return for each investment option are declared and applied to members’ accounts. See Section for information on tax.

Brokerage costs are not included in this calculation. How to apply for CBUS income protection. Other fees and costs (2) Other fees and costs such as activity fees , advice fees for personal advice or insurance fees may apply.

The fees will depend on the activity you are undertaking and may be deducted from your account or you may need to pay the fee directly. The investment fees are calculated looking back at June each year and are therefore estimates. Italicised terms not defined in the body of this PDS are defined in the glossary in section of the Product Guide. Fees and other costs at a glance. If the change is material, members of ING Living Super will be communicated to about this change.

If you are an employee of one of the following companies, you should click on the link to read these additional notes in conjunction with the Equip. Before acting on this information or making an investment decision, you should consider your personal circumstances and read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement which is available at eisuper. You should also consider obtaining financial, taxation and or legal advice which is tailored to your.