Can i take chocolate into new zealand

To be super anal retentive keep the receipt from the purchase of your Easter chocolates for presentation to NZ Quarantine. Equipment, clothing, and wooden items 3. See full list on mpi. The tool will also tell you whether there are any weight or quantity restrictions. It applies only to private consignments (goods or items for personal use).

Remember, all risk items brought into New Zealand need to be declared on your Passenger Arrival Card or postal dec.

Information in this tool is no guarantee your goods will be given clearance. Biosecurity New Zealand disclaims all responsibility for any error or other issues with this information. We are not liable if you choose to rely on the information in the tool, which is only a guide about private consignments. Check our importing section to find out about commercial.

We welcome your feedback about this tool. If you have questions or comments about it or about bringing items to New Zealand: 1. What foods can you bring into New Zealand? Can I bring in plants in New Zealand?

What do you need to know about New Zealand? Are CITES allowed in New Zealand? Answer of 22: I know some people regard chocolate as one of the major food groups, but this question concerns NZ customs. Samples (FAQs about samples):Delivery: Files are delivered directly into your account within a few minutes of purchase. Fruits, vegetables and eggs like these can ’t be brought into New Zealand.

Nor can most meats, honey, cooking ingredients, herbs, and seeds or spices… Anything made of plants or wood can carry unwanted pests or diseases that could destroy our natural environment. Put any items you aren’t sure about in the airport amnesty bins. Declaring Animals and Animal Products. You can ’t bring any live animals in New Zealand without a permit.

Read more about that in Bringing Pets into New Zealand. Its funny the Kiwis do it that way, but they are the rules, sorry! New Zealand is home to a number of small artisan chocolate producers, mostly husband and wife teams dedicated to their love of the cacao bean. The chocolate scene in New Zealand is highly competitive, so you can be guaranteed that each and every one of these chocolatiers are dedicated to the task.

Know that a New Zealander enjoys an average of 4. What you can take into New Zealand. One of the most important things to check up on when planning a visit to a country is its customs laws and banned items. Some items are prohibited and cannot be imported into New Zealand , and some require approval to import.

Nothing, that’s what. That’s why we have done all you chocolate lovers a huge favour a listed the best chocolate shops in Aucklan so you can add a lil’ chocolaty goodness into your day. Chocolate Boutique Café Parnell.

When you’re travelling overseas or importing items, you need to know that some items can ’t be brought back with you and for others you need to get permission. Bringing home some of the delicious flavours of far away shores can be a huge temptation but the fear of having it flung into a bin by NZ MPI staff is a very real deterrent. Here in New Zealand we have strict biosecurity laws and for good reason, they are there to protect our ecosystems and any new pests are certainly not welcome. Check the New Zealand Customs website: Prohibited and restricted items. Check how much you can bring into NZ duty free: Tobacco and alcohol limits.

If you bring more, you will have to pay a fee: Allowances and.

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