Attach it to this form. Yes, this form is attached. The RTA will issue an Acknowledgement of rental bond to everyone listed on the bond to confirm lodgement. If you are unable to use the online system you can download the Lodgement of security bond money form on this page.

BOND LODGEMENT FORM. Residential tenancy Rooming house. If all parties cannot sign the form within the timeframe, the bond must still be lodge however you should contact Bonds Administration for further instructions to avoid delays at disposal. What is a bond refund form?
How do I Lodge a bond? Once you have been approved for a DHPW bond loan , you will be sent a Bond Lodgement paper form ( Form 2c) by the department. You should submit this paper form to the RTA to lodge your bond online.
However, if you are lodging a bond increase on an existing tenancy with a DHPW bond loan , you can do so through the Bond Lodgement Web Service. Bond lodgement form Use this form at the beginning of a tenancy. Lodge your bond online You will need to complete a bond lodgement form and have it signed by everyone who signed the tenancy agreement. The same people who sign the bond lodgement form need to sign the bond refund form when the tenancy ends.
If these signatures don’t match, there will be delays processing the bond. The Leading Online Publisher of National and State-specific Legal Documents. Instant Downloa Mail Paper Copy or Hard Copy Delivery, Start and Order Now! Please make all cheques payable to the OSBC.
Lessors are required to lodge a rental bond within two weeks of the receipt of the bond. Payment details will be provided by the Rental Bonds team once the bond has been processed. The Rental Bond Lodgement form is only available for download in Rental Bonds Online (RBO).
Property agents and self-managing landlords can access the form in the Links section of Rental Bonds Online. Penalties apply for late lodgement of bonds. Use the bond lodgement form (45 KB PDF) if you are lodging the bond at a CBS office or by post.
All Major Categories Covered. Additional tenants bond lodgement form. Bond contribution Are you a first time tenant? Email will be first point of contact if provided.
Tenant new address for service. Bond Lodgement Form Template A bond lodgement is a real estate contract signed between the landlord and the tenant. By signing it, the tenant agrees to pay a sum of money before moving into a property. Edit this bond lodgement form template as you see fit on 123FormBuilder to simplify the process.

A tenant can receive help from a Deposit Contributor, for example Anglicare. You can select the Deposit Contributor from the drop down list available. You can generate a printable PDF bond lodgement form through RTBA Online. Blank forms are not available as each form is generated with a unique identification number.
If you have trouble generating the form , check your browser has pop-ups enabled. Fill out this form to lodge your bond. The bond money and this form must be sent to Tenancy Services within working days of the tenant paying it to the landlord. We only accept payments by cheque.
Bond Lodgement Application Form Cash Bond OR Bank Guarantee Office Use Only Register Number Receipt Date Fee Receipt Number Cashier Code Part – Application Details as shown on the Development Consent Development Application No. This form is for printing and hardcopy only. Sending forms to the RTA.
If a lessor or agency receives a bond , they are required to lodge the bond with the ACT Rental Bonds Office. Bonds must be lodged within two weeks of receipt of the bond or commencement of the tenancy. Agencies are required to lodge the bond within four weeks of receiving the bond , or commencement.