I am American, so I am not sure what you need in Australia. The only reason I can think an employer would need bank information is to enroll in direct deposit. There is a form you complete and sign, and attached a voided check from the. If you are getting direct deposit, then there is a form. Usually your name and the routing number and account number.

They should have your name and address. First off, your employer shouldnt be needing the details of your bank account. Unless, your looking to get direct deposit then only an HR Rep should be seeing a voided check to which they use the routing number to directly deposit your.
Information about employee bank accounts tells the system how and where to send expense reimbursements if an employee chooses direct deposit. There must be at least one bank account defined if an employee selects this payment method. This topic discusses how to: Maintain bank account data for employees.
Step 6: Now submit the required documents to your employer for verification. Can I transfer my bank account online? What does a bank tell you about a payment? How do you pay into your bank account? Can you view bank account information?
Bank Account Details Collection. Once your details are save you will be able to see it under the ‘KYC pending for approval’ option. Next, you will have to submit the document proof to your employer. Alternatively, write it down on a piece of paper. But really they should have given you forms to fill in with your.
You may be able to use your online banking user ID and passwor or you can use your routing number and account number on a check. If money is paid into your account by mistake, the bank or building society can take it back again – you don’t get to keep it. It’s worth contacting them to let them know.
If you have a problem with your bank , read our guide Sort out a money problem or make a complaint. You’ll need to use your 13-character accounts office reference number as the payment reference. You can find this on either: the letter HMRC sent you when you first registered as an employer. Financial institutions are required by federal law to keep your bank account information private. Next, add your correct bank account details – bank account number and IFSC as per your bank records, and click on ‘Save’ to proceed.
Click Account Summary. The Account Summary Statement Period page opens. The Make Payment page opens. Change the payment amount if you are not paying the total amount due on the account.
Select Electronic Check from the drop down menu, and then click Next. The account number will be just to its right. When you are applying for opening of a new bank account , your banker may insist on for one or more introductory reference from either an existing account holder of that bank or from a reputed person or a letter of reference from your employer.

The information they need is the bank name. Step-2: You will be directed to the EPFO dashboard. Here go to Member Section and from the drop-down click on KYC – Bulk. Step-3: Now upload the KYC file and click on Submit.
As per my understanding, the bank statements may reveal info like : 01) Employee Account Number. Customer ID (Netbanking) 04) Mobile Number. After all, when it comes down to it, your super fund is your bank account for your future in retirement. There are many private investigators who claim that they have the ability to obtain bank records, account information , account details and other financial information.

You may not want to list your home address on your resume, or only list part of it.