Avarice in a sentence

What does the word avarice mean? When do you use however? How to use the word unless? Krab’s avarice for money caused him to work his employees to the bone for little pay. The greedy banker’s avarice led him to funnel company funds into his personal account.

He rose from very humble beginnings and reached the pinnacle of success and later he fell, due to his own avarice and crookedness.

Be niggards of advice on no pretence, For the worst avarice is that of Sense. The captain rubbed their avarice. They turned their avarice into a religion. Avarice in a sentence 1. As regards the house, from avarice , they think. Their eyes shine too much with the lust of avarice.

The sanctity of marriage has been reduced to avarice and deceit, Generations of Texas businessmen have eyed the land with similar avarice. Courage in excess become foolhardiness, affection weakness , thrift avarice.

Yet avarice is numbered among the sins, and stupidity omitted From your birth. The avarice list of example sentences with avarice. Her business empire brought her wealth beyond the dreams of avarice (= an extremely large amount of money). Reading Time: minutes.

He fell a victim his own avarice. They have fallen victim to avarice and consumerism. It signifies the spirit of avarice. They are least concerned about people and are driven by avarice and opportunism.

We need to forsake blind avarice. His avariceknew no bounds. Where poverty ceases, avaricebegins. Amos, her uncle, was a man of avariceand greed.

Voluptuousness and avaricewere the predominant vices of his heart. Brute passion and unreasoning avaricewere stamped on. They say at the end “we hate expencive” the last year it was “ avarice is wicked” or somethin like that translated.

COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. Extreme greed for wealth or material gain. More example sentences.

Being free from avarice, the material wealth has absolutely no significance for Shiva. The staggering truth, as we discovere was that the degree of avarice and greed was so much that you could actually work yourself all the way up. The welfare of the entire human race must replace hunger and oppression. People of the world must be taught to give up envy, avarice and rancour. The Monastic Order in England p. Roger also was accused of avarice , and of making unworthy clerical appointments.

Her disgust is compounded toward the other leaders in the Prefecture, who should be setting an example, not letting their avarice lead them astray. Use avarice in a sentence. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. It is also called avarice or Covetousness.

As Deep calls unto Deep, one bad passion awakened another the fiend of avarice invoked that of pride, and pride was to be supported by cruelty and oppression. In his special interest avarice , Bob Dole has no pareil. A fit reward for ignoble avarice , and insatiable pride. The good old sins of avarice and greed help to compound the problems. Greed and avarice , pride and gluttony, lust and jealousy rise like corrupting daemons from the bowels of the Earth.

But the stories of avarice and greed and frat boy idiocy are only a part of the tale. Each word below can often be found in front of the noun avarice in the same sentence. This reference page can help answer the question what are some adjectives commonly used for describing AVARICE. The offspring of pride, and lust, and avarice , it is indigenous to the world. He is incapable of envy or avarice , whether from virtue or from carelessness.

The old jests about her avarice were repeated over and over again. Of course you know that ambition and avarice are held to be, as indeed they are, a disgrace? Synonyms: acquisitiveness, avariciousness, avidity… Find the right word.

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