Australian super address and abn

Australian super address and abn

It it used by the community to provide a unique point of reference for a business. AustralianSuper (Australian Super) Fund Address. Industry SuperFund logo used with the permission of Industry Fund Services (IFS). This consent had not been withdrawn at the date of publication.

Australian super address and abn

ABN holder, and your registered tax agent if you use one. Contact QuickSuper Customer Care. A registered address cannot be a post office box. If the company does not occupy the premises, the occupier of the address must give written consent to use the address as its registered office. You must notify ASIC of any address changes within days.

Resident associate details provided must match ATO records. This is general information only and does not take into account your financial situation, needs or objectives. MB: Letter of compliance: 0. For more information on what these details describe, please scroll down for a more detailed description.

Any financial product advice on this website is general advice only and has been. Once registere a unique abn is generated for the business and used as a unique identity for taxation and government reporting. Switch your super to help protect the Daintree. Business location details Details of specific business premises may be withheld if there is a risk to the safety of individuals as a result of disclosure, for example, a women’s refuge.

WA Super – Perth Office. Level 1 1St Georges Terrace. Click here for the information on where to park in the City. ABN lookup shows the status of your ABN.

If you are experiencing an issue accessing the ABN application please use this alternative link. Apply or reapply for an ABN using the application below: Apply or reapply for an ABN. Watch this video to find out more about ABNs. We want to make super easy for you! High call volumes may result in long wait times.

Before calling us, visit COVID-, Tax time essentials , or find to our Top call centre questions. The Trustee Board comprises three employer-nominated representatives, three member-elected representatives and one independent director. This information is general information only and does not take account of your individual investment objectives, financial situation or needs. All data we provide is public sector information and is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3. Despite our efforts to provide our guests with error-free and up-to-date data, the databases this information is extracted from are not free of errors.

Australian super address and abn

This contrasts with a private identifier – such as the TFN, which are used most often to identify a fund to the ATO. The ABN does not confer corporate status and is not required to be stated on a dealing. Dealings and documents executed: before 1. Living Super rates can be viewed at ing. ACN in the company seal. We try to respond to all queries and any complaints as efficiently as possible and aim to respond to you within days for straightforward issues.

The ABN is a public number which does not replace your tax file number. Click Apply for an ABN link on, then click Apply for an ABN link again on the next page to start application process. You will be asked a series of questions, one of which is whether you currently have or once had an ABN.

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