Australian business name search

Search for a business name now. You can perform a number of different business name register searches by using ASIC Connect. Business names index search. Provides a list of registered and cancelled business names and any details we have for them.

The proposed business name may be deceptively similar to another business or company name. If the proposed business name is deceptively similar to another business or company name , you may be subject to legal and other action by the owners of the other name.

Starting a business for the first time. Changing your business name activity. ABN registration processing available. This search does not guarantee that the name will be available for registration.

What does Australian business number mean? How do I apply for a business name? But can have no more than shareholders.

See if the name is identical or similar to a registered trademark by using IP Australia trade mark search.

If you would like to register a domain name in addition to your business name, make sure the domain name you want is available at Domain Administration – (auDA). Catchy, brandable domain name s for startup companies. All data we provide is public sector information and is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3. Despite our efforts to provide our guests with error-free and up-to-date data, the databases this information is extracted from are not free of errors.

Registered Tax Agent No. We liaise with the Australian Tax Office on your behalf to ensure your business is correctly registered for tax purposes. Do I need a business name ? A business name is a name under which you run a business. Enter keywords based on the core concept of your company into the business name generator search engine.

Select Within seconds, comb through the hundreds of suggestions that the company name generator produces for then name that works best for your business. It’s also a good idea to check that the name isn’t already a website name or trade mark. Shortlist your best ideas.

Work through your shortlist of business name ideas removing names that are hard to remember, spell, speak aloud. Keep names that are brandable, sound great, are memorable and communicate your brand values, product or service to your target audience. You can browse by selecting an industry category, search on a company name , or simply enter a related keyword into the search window above.

Note: This tool is only an indication that a business name is available. It does not guarantee that you can register the business name with the Australian Securities and. Supporting Government and Australia ’s business community to deliver fast and easy online business registration services!

The 10-second business name creator. It takes years to create a great bran but you can have a creative brand name in seconds. Shopify’s free naming brand generator lets you jump from naming your brand to securing the domain name , to starting your small business – all in a few clicks.

Database includes ACNs and ARBNs. Using our Australian trade mark search. We provide real time information from ASIC and offer short turn arounds on all business name registrations. To register a business name. Many companies, businesses, tradespeople and professional service providers need some sort of additional registration or licence before they can operate their business.

See if the business name you want is available through the check name availability search on the ASIC website. This will search across trade marks and their owner names. Although it will also find plurals, you should search for slight variations of your trade mark, such as common misspellings and words that sound similar.

When uploading images, consider alternative images that look similar.

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