Auskey decommission

In the meantime, your business clients can take some initial steps. AusKey is the mechanism by which interactions between your business and the ATO are authenticated. That includes, but is not limited to, Single Touch Payroll reporting from FastTrack360. Is your business ready for the decommissioning of AUSkey ? The ATO recently sent out communications that they will be decommissioning the AUSkey system.

The good news is, if you’ve already set up STP with your Reckon software ID using the old AUSkey system, you won’t need to do anything further. Trustees need to be aware of the changes and prepare for the transition. A device AUSkey currently allows software to communicate with ATO systems. To access our online services and other government online services you will need to use: myGovID – the Australian Government’s digital identity provider that allows you to prove who you are online. It’s an app that you download to your smart device and is different to your myGov account.

If you’re using Lodgment Manager to lodge, you don’t need to do anything. This will affect all RTOs—if you connect to the Unique Student Identifier (USI) Registry via the Organisation Portal or have a Student Management System (SMS). The Australian Government is decommissioning AUSkey and replacing it with myGovID.

You can find more information about the decommissioning of AUSkey and access to other government services on the ABR website. The ATO is managing the myGovID exclusively on behalf of government after being chosen as the Commonwealth’s identity provider earlier this year. Where Sybiz users may see an impact from AUSkey’s decommissioning is when interacting with the ATO Business Portal. Together myGovID and Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) will be used to replace AUSkey , device AUSkey and Manage ABN Connections (MAC).

The myGovID credential belongs to the individual. This has required a cleanup of existing AUSkey data by tax agents, as the two authentication credentials share few similarities. As each new year brings its challenges, successes and failure, the important thing is to have an eye on the future as you manage the present. I am unsure if AUSkey completely goes away but I think maybe it is just for developers who use SBR. I guess AUSkey will then be killed off.

Tax and BAS agents could soon be using myGovID to access online services for agents as soon as next month, as the ATO looks to ramp up its preparation for the decommissioning of AUSkey. A machine credential is installed on a device and enables you to interact directly with government online services through your business software. Use Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) to manage your business authorisations in one place. Decommissioning date set for March. Set up your digital identity.

The session covered: an update on the progress of the Digital Identity program. STP Phase – the ATO are listening to feedback and taking this on notice. Online services for DSPs Join now to access support and share information. Your information is safe. When using government online services, your personal information won’t be shared without your permission – putting you in control.

AUSkey decommissioning Learn more about our new machine to machine authentication solution. You use this service with your password to sign and submit payroll data to the ATO through STP. AUSkey will be replaced by a ‘Machine Credential’ that is generated through a myGovID (this is different to myGov). DVA will be using PRODA in place of AUSkey. Register an Organisation within PRODA Do this AFTER registering your individual PRODA account.

What is replacing AUSkey ? AUSkey is Changing Why AUSkey is being decommissioned? If you use the Administrator role for payroll you will need to re-add the Payroll. AUSkey has not kept pace with changes in technology and does not meet the future needs of most businesses. Chrome finds Auskey – is there a way of having Reckon open Chrome by default instead of Internet Explorer – Chrome is the default browser on my computer.

This excludes devices that use the Android Go operating systems, such as Android One.