Animals unique to new zealand

HUHA investigations find more abused animals across New Zealand. The million year long separation from the Godwana continent led to the evolution of unique New Zealand animals. What mammals live in New Zealand?

New Zealand is home to some truly unique and incredible birds , including different varieties of albatross. But others can be spotted along the coast in the South Island.

Home to a unique native wildlife, New Zealand is a dream destination for Nature lovers. Discover where to encounter native birds and marine animals during your travels. Native animals New Zealand has many unique native fish , insects , birds , lizards and frogs. Our only native mammals are bats and marine mammals. As Maori and Europeans settled New Zealan they hunted birds and brought predators including rats and stoats.

This, and loss of habitat, led to the extinction of a number of birds including the moa and huia. See full list on newzealand.

The kiwi is now endangere and difficult to see in the wild. While they may look cute, kiwi can be fierce and highly territorial. New Zealand has abundant and diverse marine life, and whale watching and swimming with dolphins are two of our most highly recommended experiences. Our national parks contain an incredible variety of unspoiled landscape and vegetation. Administered and maintained by the Department of Conservation, these parks provide opportunity for a wide variety of activities including hiking, mountain biking, skiing and snowboarding, kayaking and trout fishing.

A strict no-take policy operates in these areas, which means no fishing or gathering seafood. These underwater wonderlands, which include the world-renowned Poor Knights Islands, are best enjoyed on boat cruises and diving or snorkelling trips. The tuatara is a unique relic of the past – the only beak-headed reptile left in the world. Every species of this reptile family, except the tuatara, died out around million years ago. New Zealand’s high rainfall and many sunshine hours give the country a lush and diverse flora – with of flora being native.

Tuatara are not a threat to humans. Many of New Zealand’s animals and plants are not found elsewhere – these are known as endemic species. For example, over of the 5species of native conifers, flowering plants and ferns are found nowhere else. And of the 2species of birds breeding in New Zealand before human arrival, were endemic.

This high rate is mainly the result of the country’s long isolation from other land masses.

The best guess of the numbers of land-based native plants and animals is around 70species. Insects and fungi dominate, each having an estimated 20species – many are not yet described. Among some animal groups, new species are being discovered faster than scientists can cope with them.

Around 30species of land-based life forms have been given scientific names. The approximate numbers of name native species are: 1. In New Zealan whole groups of animal species common in other land masses are absent , or very poorly represented. The most notable group is land mammals: apart from two surviving bat species, there are none.

Almost everywhere else on earth, mammals are prominent or dominant. There is no evidence that reptilian groups such as iguanids (a type of lizard) and snakes ever established in New Zealand. Groups such as ants, and many other families of animals without backbones, are also poorly repres. New Zealand , like other temperate land masses, has fewer plant and animal species than more tropical lands.

But as in many isolated islands, a high proportion of these are found nowhere else. Among the most distinctive life forms are ancient animals from the supercontinent Gondwana. The land that was to become New Zealand broke away from Gondwana some million years ago.

These living fossils have been isolated on the islands of New Zealand since t. Most of New Zealand’s native plants and animals flew, floated or were blown from Australia or the Pacific Islands over the past million years. All had to survive subsequent changes in environment and climate. They have filled every habitat of the country and about 6smaller offshore islands – from the subtropical Kermadecs to the nearly subantarctic Auckland and Campbell island groups. In environments which have long been isolated from other land masses, such as islands, new arrivals oft. It is also home to some unique animals including insects, marine mammals and bird species – some of which have been around since the time of the dinosaurs!

The animals of New Zealand , part of its biota, have a particularly interesting history because, before the arrival of humans, less than 9years ago, the country was mostly free of mammals, except those that could swim there (seals, sea lions, an off-shore, whales) or fly there (), though as recently as the Miocene there was the terrestrial Saint Bathans Mammal, implying that mammals were. Hector’s dolphin is the smallest and rarest marine dolphin in the worl measuring up to just 1. Since New Zealand was an island free of land mammals before us pesky humans arrived and drifted away from the super-continent, a unique flora and fauna has evolve leaving a land full of interesting plants and creatures. A few unusual species of animals and birds evolved that are well worth looking out for while backpacking in New Zealand.

We’ve put a quick list of the animals and birds. This is due to the island being large enough to sustain a large ecosystem, but sufficiently isolated that the main animals are birds and rodents, with a particular emphasis on birds. There are Six Different Species of Penguin in New Zealand.

Out of the world’s different penguin species , six of them live and breed in New Zealand ! The most common species seen when travelling around New Zealand are the little blue penguins, yellow-eyed penguins and Fiordland-crested penguins.