AFSL Exchange is a landing page only. Australian Financial Services Licence ( AFSL ) is a licence normally required to be held by an Australian business involved in the provision of financial services. An AFSL can be issued to an individual, to a director or employee of an AFSL holder, or an authorised representative of a person who holds an AFSL.
How to apply and what you need to know. Gwm Adviser Services Limited. Admiral One, Admiral Loans and Admiral Car finance are all trading names of Admiral Financial Services Limited ( AFSL ). The maximum APR we offer is 29. Please see our terms and conditions here.
The data controller is Admiral Financial Services Limited. Dealing in Derivatives, FX and Securities. A low APR loan means that the customer will pay less interest over the full borrowing term. Managed Discretionary Account operators.

The rate of interest charged by a financial institution is their assessment of the risk of default that customer represents. Applying for and managing an AFS licence The best way to apply for an AFS licence is online using our eLicensing system, which individually tailors the application to your business. Give us a call or send us a message ! Looking for the definition of AFSL ? Find out what is the full meaning of AFSL on Abbreviations. The documents that this obligation applies to are outlined in regulation 7. C of the Corporations Regulations, for example a Financial Services Guide.
Further, there is no exemption for businesses who hold both licensees. The requirements of each regime need to be met. That’s because the obligations under an AFSL and ACL are very similar – almost word for word – although of course they deal with different products and services.
AFSL Compliance Program Package (1) Your Cart $ 0. The conflicts of interest obligation is. You must therefore include your business’s name and AFSL number on documents issued under its authority such as SOAs and your FSG. You should also include your authorised representative number.
Du College StreetMontreal, Quebec, Canada. Australian Inactive AFSL Holders at Risk of Forfeiting Licences A number of AFSLs holding authorisations that cover retail FX brokerage operations are at risk of being cancelled. Don’t forget companies also have an obligation to include their ABN or ACN on most documents they issue. We suggest you review ASIC’s Regulatory Guide , which sets out an example Statement of Advice, including the required details of the authorised representative (providing entity) and the authorising licensee.

Director Identification Number Bill Passed. This FSG is designed to help you decide whether to use the services and products we provide which are described below. We hope you find this publication useful – and we welcome your feedback.
The Fold Legal helps financial services and credit businesses manage their regulatory, corporate and commercial challenges. A routing number is usually nine digits and looks like this. Federal Reserve Routing Symbol. American Banks Association (ABA) Institution Identifier.

If you are struggling to find the routing number , most US banks provide details on their website. Investing in over-the-counter derivatives carries significant risks and is not suitable for all investors. You could lose substantially more than your initial investment.