Vietnam war stories

Why was there war in Vietnam? Six months into the pandemic, there’s little doubt that the virus has upended American life, but just how bad is the damage in a historical context? What started the Vietnam War?

Chicago Tribune on MSN. Thompson — we return, enemy flees — the face of death — Thompson’s body lost at Đà Nẵng — our FO shells enemy night convoy — After Action Reports.

Major General Patrick Henry Brady. Larry Shatto , CWO Vietnam. Follow Us We asked viewers how they experienced the events of the Vietnam era. Please explore selected contributions on this page.

The Vietnam War is a production of. Library of personal positive Vietnam War stories , poems, photos. True stories of the Vietnam War.

The light green sea of waist high elephant grass blew in waves.

From a distance, the grass covered terrain looked soft and inviting, but like a lot of things in Vietnam , looks could be deceiving. My Sixty Second Hero by Angus Macaulay. Andrew deGrandpre and Tony Lombardo. Through regional and statewide collaborative partnerships we’ll tell the stories of people in our region who were touched by one of the longest wars in United States history.

Bill” Ehrhart joined the U. Marines when he was 17. This is the first in a six-part series about the stories and sacrifices of local men and women during the Vietnam War. Most Vietnam war stories would be about leeches. The place was Quang Nam province in the mountainous northern region of South Vietnam. All the new guys who report to an infantry unit in Vietnam have to go through an informal, unplanned and unofficial initiation period.

Stories from Vietnam. In other words, the new guys got all the shit details, and they had to go out on all the patrols, listening posts, ambushes, etc. As a 19-year-old African American from the Roxbury section of Boston, I voluntarily joined the U. Men like Troyer had to deal with several frustrations particular to the war in Vietnam. Many were brought in.

In a way, the North Vietnam versus South Vietnam conflict was in actuality a conflict between the United States of America and the Soviet Union, between communism and democracy.

Americans who served in the Vietnam War returned to a divided country in great political turmoil. A new book, They Were Soldiers: The Sacrifices and Contributions of Our Vietnam Veterans, tells the stories of male and female military members who served during those turbulent times. Vietnam vet who took a camera out on patrol and got some super-rare footage of Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol (LRRP) soldiers while out in the. The division’s colors and unit designations was transferred to the 11th Air Assault Division (Test), then at Ft.

Unlike most returning veterans of the Vietnam War , I had lots to say right from the beginning. Within a few years I started to write down the things I had witnessed as stories and kept them in a journal. America has always regarded the Vietnam War as its own personal horror story. As we recognize the 50th anniversary of this tragic conflict, USC Dornsife scholars challenge this one-sided perspective, re-examining the legacy of what even the Vietnamese refer to as “The American War. The war was hard on the soldiers that fought, but the girls back home that wrote to us also paid a price.

The narrator tells war stories interspersed with commentary on story telling. Lyman Lamartine’s brother, Henry, goes to war in Vietnam and returns three years later a changed man. During the War for Independence, two.

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