Victim impact statement pros and cons

Victim impact statement pros and cons

It is not a required component of a trial, but this information could provide a therapeutic moment for some people to begin the process of healing and moving on from what happened to them. They constitute the primary means by which crime victims provide input into the sentencing process. VIS are also used in some civil law countries such as Hollan and proposals to use them have been made in other continental jurisdictions such as Belgium. The statement , which has.

They have since become an important component of the sentencing process. Appendix A summarizes the enabling legislation and subsequent amendments. This article summarizes the most important findings from the relevant socio-legal research.

It reflects a systematic review of. See full list on justice. This does not mean that the VIS is less important as a source of information for sentencers, but simply that a. It is important, therefore, to ensure that victims are awa. An obvious barrier to higher rates of participation is that courts may face practical difficulties in terms of contacting victims.

Victim impact statement pros and cons

It is sometimes difficult to contact the crime victim when sentencing is imminent. This problem has existed since the earliest research i. A variety of forms exist which provide varying degrees of information about the statement and guidance with respect to the best way to describe the experience of victimization. In addition, across Canada there is considerable variation in the way that victims are informed about their ability to submit a statement. No review has been conducted to determine a “best practices” mode. More recently, interest has focused on the impact of the statements on the offender.

These panels consist of groups of offenders meeting groups of victims. It does not appear as though any survey of. Perhaps the most important lesson to be learned about the VIS is that it is not a panacea that will fulfill all victims’ expectations of sentencing. However, if the regime is administered appropriately, if victims are provided with enough information about the VIS and provided with sufficient contact with criminal justice professionals, the concept has considerable merit. One way of summarizing the experience with VIS to date is that both the benefits and disadvantages of the statements have been overstated by advocates and critics alike.

With respect to the former, it is clear that only a minority of victims submit a statement, although for these individuals the benefits appear to be considerable. With respect to the latter, none of the dangers ascribed to VIS by critics—such as lengthy sentencing hearings, more punitive or inconsistent sentencing—have emerged in any jurisdiction that has introduced this reform. Almost a decade ago, a leading criminal law journal published a critic. This statement differs from an oral victim impact statement.

You are afforded the right, under the Justice For All Act, to be heard at the sen-tencing. Victim impact evidence is presented during sentencing hearings to convey the harm experienced by victims and victims’ relatives as a result of a crime. Its use in capital cases is highly controversial.

Victim impact statement pros and cons

This article examines the definition and concept of victim impact statement , its origin, its pros and cons and the Malaysian experience in the implementation of this right. But most importantly. Along with everything else it is, it puts the arguments against victim impact statements in the shade.

There are, however, two profound problems the law has to wrestle with, now that the voice of. We switched from the blood feud to the king’s justice a long time ago, and one of the salutary effects has been to make vengeance the province of the state, not the individual. He slammed my back over the top of my chain link fence over and over and pulled my hair forcing my neck as far back as he could. After an overview of victim impact statements that includes the rationale for introducing them in court, this chapter discusses arguments for and against using victim impact statements , followed by a discussion of the effect victim impact statements have on sentencing decisions. Victim Impact Statement Why should I write a Victim Impact Statement ? Criticisms of victim impact statements Defence lawyers criticise victim impact statements as an inappropriate interven­ tion into the criminal justice sentencing process.

Victim impact statement pros and cons

What is the purpose of these guidelines? A victim impact statement is information on how an offence has affected you. These guidelines are to help you prepare a victim impact statement.

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