Tribunal meaning

Definition of tribunal. She took her case to an immigration appeals tribunal. A tribunal is there to try a case. Your mom and dad could be a tribunal.

While a court is a kind of tribunal, the word is often used for something which is not a court. An example of a tribunal is where the judge will be sitting during a court hearing.

YourDictionary definition and usage example. It is encouraging that various instruments, including war crimes tribunals and the International Court of Justice, have been put in place to address and redress past wrongs. Familiarity information: TRIBUNAL used as a noun is very rare. Philippines, historical) A kind of village hall used to transact business, to quarter troops and travellers, and to confine prisoners. TRIBUNAL Meaning : a judgment seat, from Old French tribunal justice seat, judgment seat (13c.) and directly from Latin… See definitions of tribunal.

Synonyms of tribunal. It performs a number of functions like adjudicating disputes, determining rights between contesting parties, making an administrative decision, reviewing an existing administrative decision and so forth. Tribunal just Pwned us.

They hear evidence from witnesses but decide the case themselves. The case of your redundancy (=loss of your job) will be heard by an independent tribunal. The term tribunals is used as though its meaning is self-evident. In fact, the word has not been used with consistency, and no very precise definition can therefore be given.

It is a tribunal in which the priest is judge and the penitent a prisoner who pleads guilty. That was the tribunal to which I made surrender of my person and my cause. The tribunal will nee then, to await some other opportunity, said Cavalcanti suddenly. The term is derived from the tribunes, magistrates of the Classical Roman Republic.

In villages in the Philippines, a kind of town-hall or common house, used as a meeting-place by the bead men of the village, for the entertainment of travelers, and for other purposes of general interest. GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English. But actually, this meaning is very wide as it includes even the ordinary courts of law, whereas, in administrative law this expression is limited to adjudicating authorities other than ordinary courts of law.

It has jurisdiction in conflicts of power between the Spanish State and the Comunidades Autónomas and between the Autonomous Communities themselves, and it also has powers to safeguard the basic rights of citizens. For example, an advocate who appears before a court with a single judge could describe that judge as their tribunal. The Office of Canonical Affairs is here to help you learn more about the role of canon law in your life, and find to common questions concerning marriage, ascription, and other aspects of sacramental living.

If you want to argue that a decision was incorrect, judicial review may not be best for you. There are alternative remedies, such as appealing against the decision to a higher court. A body established to settle certain types of dispute.

A formal examination of evidence by a judge, typically before a jury, in order to decide guilt in a case of criminal or civil proceedings.

Panel that hears legal matter. A session or inquiry made before a court or jury. To discuss the prospect building a park in the subdivision, the neighborhood tribunal met. The President approved a tribunal to spearhead war relief efforts. An arbitral tribunal is a tribunal constituted for resolving a dispute by way of arbitration.

It can consist of either a sole arbitrator or two or more arbitrators. Regular office hours are Monday – Friday, from 8:a. A lawyer who represents a client in an adjudicative proceeding and who knows that a person intends to engage, is engaging or has engaged in criminal or fraudulent conduct related to the proceeding shall take reasonable remedial measures, including, if necessary, disclosure to the tribunal.

Le tribunal judiciaire est une juridiction compétente pour tous les litiges de nature civile et commerciale pour lesquels aucune autre juridiction ne se voit spécifiquement attribuée une compétence.

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