Statutory declaration for sick leave example

Medical certificates or statutory declarations are examples of acceptable forms of evidence. While there are no strict rules on what type of evidence needs to be given, the evidence has to convince a reasonable person that the employee was genuinely entitled to the sick or carer’s leave. For example, statutory declarations may be used by employees as “ evidence that would satisfy a reasonable person” that leave should be granted for a specific purpose. Can I use a statutory declaration? What type of evidence is needed for sick leave?

Statutory declaration for sick leave example

Can you take a stat DEC for sick leave? What is a statutory letter of declaration and? X Research source A full list will typically be available on the website of the organization or government agency that requested the statutory declaration. In the case of carer’s leave , the Employee must provide the Employer with appropriate documentary evidence.

This page explains how to make a statutory declaration in Victoria. A statutory declaration is a written statement that you sign and declare to be true and correct in the presence of an authorised witness. Below are some example declarations that a lender may ask you to provide. Statutory declaration sample letters.

Statutory declaration for sick leave example

My birth certificate shows my name as John. For example , statutory declarations may be used by employees as “evidence that would satisfy a reasonable person” that leave should be granted for a specific purpose. It is an offence to lie in a statutory declaration.

Obtaining a doctor’s certificate is difficult for cleaners because most are not entitled to Medicare due to their visa. Set out matter declared to in numbered paragraphs. Add numbers as necessary.

Statutory declaration for sick leave example

If you are not sure if you need to make a statutory declaration , you should get legal advice. What should be in the statutory declaration ? I called in sick to work on Tuesday, and was told by my boss to get a med cert to verify my sick leave. I was way too sick to do this on the day (gastro is rough), and have only felt well enough in the past few hours – so, I went to the hour clinic to get myself checked out.

Although they have similar purposes, a statutory declaration is not the same as an affidavit. STATUTORY DECLARATION I (Full name) of (address) do solemnly and sincerely declare that: (Occupation) I acknowledge that this declaration is true and correct and I make it in the belief that a person making a false declaration is liable to the penalties of perjury. Signature Declared and subscribed at in the said State.

Statutory declaration for sick leave example

The list of people who may witness a statutory declaration differs for the purposes of Victorian and Commonwealth statutory declarations , though there is a lot of crossover. For example , a Justice of the Peace, a police officer and a pharmacist may witness both Victorian and Commonwealth statutory declarations , but a physiotherapist can only. A manager may fear challenging this employee, and prefer to not have a difficult conversation. Another thing to consider in these types of situations is implementing a workplace policy, requesting proof of sickness. It’s common HR practice to have a policy, requesting a medical certificate or statutory declaration , when taking sick leave.

The declaration cannot be delegated to an employee who is not an authorized signing officer. Completing the declaration portion of the form. Part of the commissioning process is for the commissioner to personally complete the declaration section (Declared before me at … place name, date, etc.). Please leave this section blank.

Sick leave is available the first day of the standard work period following the standard work period in which it was earned. Use of sick leave is subject to the approval of the appo. I am an employee of your firm for past years. I recently have been diagnosed with viral illness, chicken pox.

Due to this sudden illness, it would not be possible for me to make an appearance at office for a month.

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