What are the requirements for Bas agent registration? Who needs to be registered Bas agent? How to become a bas agent? See full list on tpb. The application fee is $137 and not subject to GST.

You must pay the application fee in full when you apply for registration. Payment details, including your reference number are provided in the online application form. The application fee is subject to a consumer price index adjustment on July each year. We will advise you after the decision is made to either grant or reject your application for registration. We aim to process complete applications within days of receiving them.
If your application is granted: 1. Australian Taxation Office (ATO) that you are now registered with us. You can then contact the ATO to arrange access to their online services, such as Online services for agents. ATO of our decision to reject your application. For more information refer to: 1. You must have a primary academic qualification in bookkeeping or accounting at a Certificate IV level or a higher award (for example, a diploma, Advanced diploma or degree).

The qualification must have been obtained from a registered training organisation or an equivalent institution. This course may be included in your primary qualification. Otherwise, you must have completed a separate unit covering this component.
The Board may impose a condition on your registration. A condition placed on your registration will limit the scope of services you can provide. This allows people with relevant experience in particular areas of taxation law to be eligible for registration (provided all other registration criteria are met). Are at least years old.

This means: You have a good reputation in the community. You haven’t been convicted of serious offences including tax offences, or other offences involving some sort of fraud or dishonesty. A tax practitioner would display their registration number with the symbol. To maintain your registration , you must renew it at least days before it expires.
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You are also required to complete an annual declaration to the TPB. These units are designed to meet the educational requirements of the Tax Practitioner Board (TPB). This set in place a distinction between the role of a bookkeeper who may be doing data entry and bank. BAS AGENT REQUIREMENTS.
You must be at least years of age to be eligible to apply. You need to have a primary academic qualification in bookkeeping or accounting that is Certificate IV level or higher, issued from a registered training organisation. For example, a Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping. All Wine Tax, Fuel Tax, Luxury Car Tax matters.

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