Nyc landlord forum

Tennant late on rent. Do u msg them next next or just serve paperwork? Feel free to ask another landlord , attorney or property manager through our Landlord QA Forum. Find , tips and ideas from landlords across the country.

Read the latest forum topics in your browser, feedreader or on your blog with our RSS 2. Discussions in this forum are for landlords , active investors, and aspiring rental property owners. Come here for finding general advice on being a landlord and other topics related to keeping income property rented and cash-flowing. Welcome to the Residential Landlord forum.

It is FREE to become a member and post your comments, queries and replies. Click here to read visitor reviews of books or services. We were the only ones there asking anybody to ‘review your landlord ,’” says Ezeugwu. Some forums can only be seen by registered members.

Prospective renters can use this site to cross-reference their future landlord. The LATC is dedicated to improving the professional skills of its members and to promote safe living conditions and quality housing for area residents. Discrimination based on lawful source of income is the illegal practice by landlords , owners, and real estate brokers of refusing to rent to current or prospective tenants seeking to pay for housing with housing assistance vouchers, subsidies, or other forms of public assistance. The landlord disagree but the people refused to move out.

The money, the work-life balance, and of course, finding a safe home. An acquaintance is a landlord in Brooklyn. For years, has had a rent controlled tenant. The tenants son, who had lived with the father, had been a major problem.

Nyc landlord forum

Doing drugs in the building, urinating in hallways, hanging out on the roof. Multiple calls to the cops about this kid. For the last three years or so, the kids (now in his 40s) has been in a mental facility.

Chapter 5 Article Section 235-b. Warranty of habitability. That includes Section vouchers, and LINC or HASA subsidies (among others).

Nyc landlord forum

Our members enjoy access to tools and services that make their lives as landlords easier than ever, such as lease and rental application builders, tenant screening services, and thousands of forms specific to every U. The forum is completely free to anyone! If you wish to post a message, you must. In however, this practice was banne and landlords needed to pay. LandlordsNY is a platform for obtaining free advice from industry experts, trusted vendor referrals, a private forum to communicate with peers on any number of management issues, and aggregator of forms and resources to help members run a. Looking for advice about a home improvement project? Want to talk about what’s going on in your neighborhood?

Join the conversation. The FreeAdvice Forums are intended to enable consumers to benefit from the experience of other consumers who have faced similar legal issues. Most leases provide a provision that absolve the landlord of liability for failure to deliver possession at the specified time. Read your lease carefully for the remedies available to you. The financial condition of the landlord and of the tenant.

Nyc landlord forum

Some landlords simply do not have the cash to buy out tenants. Obviously a deal with this landlord will be difficult to make unless the tenant is willing to take a nominal amount. In NYC , is the landlord required to supply and maintain a fire extinguisher in each unit?

Case citation : Bently Reserve L. Tenants contributors only.

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