North korea tourism rules

All tourism is organized by one of several state-owned tourism bureaus, including Korea International Travel Company (KITC), Korean International Sports Travel Company (KISTC), Korean International Taekwondo Tourism Company (KITTC) and Korean International Youth Travel Company (KIYTC). Here are some other things to expect. While peace is maintained under an armistice agreement, the two Koreas are still technically at war and inter-Korean relations are extremely tense. The security situation on the Korean Peninsula could deteriorate with little warning.

North Korea was under control of the. Although access to international satellite TV channels is available in hotels used by foreigners, such access may be curtailed in a crisis.

See full list on worldnomads. This is a country in which total obedience to the state is the norm. Your every movement is controlle watched and carefully planned by the Government. Most, if not all tours, are ultimately run by the Korean International Travel Company and it will be their guides who show you around. Travel throughout the country is only possible as part of a guided tour.

Independent travel is not permitte you must not leave your hotel without a guide, you will not be allowed to travel on the public transport system at all, and both you and your guide will be punished if you infringe the rules. You will not have access to anyone or anything that is not part of your authorized tour. Your tour will be highly choreographed to visit only authorized sites, shop in approved stores, and speak only to official guides.

Most, if not all, tour groups are asked to solemnly bow and lay flowers on one or two occasions in front of statues of Kim Il Sung when visiting monuments of national importance. Any unauthorized activities can and will be seen as an attempt at espionage. Always stay with a guide and never do anything to draw attention to yourself from local authorities.

Photographing scenes of poverty or other things that may cause a negative impression of the DPRK may also result in confiscation. You should ask permission before taking photographs in the DPRK, including of officials, soldiers or other people. DPRK guides can provide permission to take photographs. The worst you can expect is petty theft, particularly at Pyongyang airport and in public markets.

As always you should exercise care, be alert to your surroundings and ensure personal belongings are secure. Just because your movements are tightly choreographed you should not get too complacent. Han Foot and Mouth Disease is common with more serious outbreaks occurring from time to time.

From March to May, yellow dust, which is carried to the Korean Peninsula by strong winds from Mongolia and China, can cause eye, nose, mouth and throat irritations and may exacerbate respiratory and cardiovascular problems. Ensure your tetanus-diphth. Japanese Encephalitis 4. Special validations are granted only in very limited circumstances.

The totalitarian country is surprisingly progressive in this space by having no laws against the possession, use and trade of marijuana. Individuals cannot use a U. However, some of them eventually turned out to be true.

We at Bright Side decided to figure out which things are banned or restricted in the most closed country in the world. And we should admit that some of them really surprised us. Once, a Christian woman who was distributing the Bible, was arrested and executed.

If this travel ban is lifte I may go back to see the film festival, or watch the marathon runners. If I were younger, I. According to Bonner, the real game-changer is that Americans will be allowed to join with other Western tourists in exploring the rest of the country and not just. And bringing them home safely at the end of their trip. Nonetheless, their constitution mentions equality for all.

He decreed that there are only government approved hair styles that men and women can get. Pyongyang is a microcosm of Korea ’s past, present and future, from which one can learn about and experience the history, unique culture, wisdom, talents and enchanting customs of the Korean people. Located in the central northwestern part of the Korean Peninsula, Pyongyang is the capital of the DPRK and the heart of socialist Korea.

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