Hong kong company shareholder search

Extracts of records include the name of directors and the addresses, the name of shareholders and the addresses, the name of secretary (ies) and the address (es), the registered office, the share capital structure, charges information, winding up order, deregistration etc. Any previous names that your company might have ha including the date which it was effective from. The Chinese name of your company (if applicable and filed) The type of company.

The Company operates through two segments. Registrar of Companies (the Registrar).

Cruise and Cruise-related Activities segment is engaged in the sales of passenger tickets, the sales of foods and beverages onboar shore excursion, as well as the provision of onboard. Or you can go and search the ICRIS database. Difference between Share Transfer and Share Allotment The main difference between Share Transfer and Share Allotment is about the money flow.

Search of daily summaries 5. Please select one of the following methods to search : 1. One is where the company has commenced business since it started and the other situation can be where the company has not yet commenced the business. The advantage of this is that the company can be managed much more efficiently and can react to changes in the industry and market quickly.

Instant Downloa Mail Paper Copy or Hard Copy Delivery, Start and Order Now! Name or Company Name. Directory of Substantial Shareholders SGX.

Every company must have at least 1registered shareholder and director, who can be a corporate entities or a natural person of any nationality. You have to declare all these payments to the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) in either the Profits Tax Return or Employer’s Tax Return. You’ve Received Your Profits Tax Return and Employer’s Tax Return. Both the directors and shareholders of a company have the authority to appoint the first auditors of a company.

Similarly, both the directors and shareholders of a company have the authority to appoint new auditors to fill a casual vacancy arising from the resignation of the existing auditors. The group is owned by computer distributor Chevalier Pacific, formerly Chevalier iTech. Hong Kong , with outlets in China, Singapore and Malaysia. Company Structure or Adopt the Default Company Structure.

Our clients trust us to deliver excellent service to the company and their shareholders. To print the whole chapter in HTML, please click at the bottom of the TOC panel and then click. It covers the common law actions by exceptions to the rule in Foss v Harbottle, the new statutory derivative action, and the twin statutory minority remedies of unfair prejudice and just and equitable winding-up. Hopewell Centre, 1Queen’s Road East.

It can not be a Post office box.

Answer a few quick questions and get back to business! We’ll take care of all the complicated paperwork, administration, and setup. The COMPANY ), and the deceased is still registered as shareholder of The COMPANY.

The CLIENT now wants to inherit the shares from the deceased and become shareholder of The COMPANY. However, The DEFENDANT refuses to disclose any information about The COMPANY. In most cases, shareholders ’ agreements require shares transfers to be approved by the company and grant existing shareholders an option to purchase the transferrable shares. Meanwhile, restrictions on transfers generally do not apply if the beneficiary is a wholly controlled affiliate, a shareholder ’s family member or a trust.

However, at the hearing of the Summons, the Company no longer relied on the ‘irrationality’ groun and instead focussed its submissions on the Chairman’s power to. Over a million private Indonesian companies in the database. Choose the reports that are relevant for your research. Public register of licensed persons and registered institutions. This register lists all licensees (ie, both licensed individuals and licensed corporations) and registered institutions.

To decide whether a motion is an ordinary resolution or a special resolution, it depends on the Companies Ordinance and the memorandum and articles of association of the company.

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