Foreign company registration in hong kong

Submit us your application. Some prescribe forms should be filled up with Memorandum copy such as Form NNCor Form NNC1G and submitted to Registry office. And in the first quarters of this year, you can see that organic growth continued to contribute over of our new paying client growth.

And the third reason is that our operating efficiency. Therefore, opening a limited company is simple, fast and cheap (the government requires a fee of 7HKD for the Company Registration and a fee of 2HKD for the Business Registration Certificate).

Any foreign enterprise looking to set up a representative office has to register at the Business Registration Office. Certified true copies of the foreign company’s certificate of incorporation, memorandum and articles, or equivalent documents. Hong Kong, it is required to register. At the same time, your company must have a registered office and a representative at the place of registration. This can be a secretary or a company that has the appropriate license.

At 3E Accounting, we are a business that puts clients first. Some of the top investing countries are China, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, the United States and Japan, among others.

The WOFE makes money. Unlike a limited company, a branch office is not a separate legal entity from the parent and the parent company will be liable for the debts of its branch and required to file its accounts on the public record. This test can generally be satisfied in the case of an intra- company or intra-group transfer. Bank account opening as foreigners is not difficult but only registered business entities are allowed to open account.

Establish your business in China with our experts. Copies of overseas company registration documents (required if a company is the foreign investor) China WFOE registration with Hongda Business Services is very fast, taking just working days. It is important to keep this requirement in mind as applications made before the commencement date will not be accepted. Easy Application Any application for company incorporation will include a simultaneous application for business registration. How to Apply There are three ways to submit you application – either online via the 24-hour portal e-Registry, via the “CR eFiling” mobile application which can be downloaded free of charge, or by delivering the documents in hard copy to the CR with the correct fees.

Average business set up engagement fees approximate US$6including i) company incorporation ii) multi-currency corporate bank account opening iii) company secretary and iv) government fees. Any public act by the branch, is likely to need ratification by the board of the foreign parent. With world-class infrastructure, well developed capital markets, a highly educated work force, rich cultural traditions and a low tax regime, it is a fantastic region for doing business and the gateway into China.

Some may find it difficult to fulfill the bank’s detailed and exact requirements, and other accounts may get rejected at the beginning. Business startup in Honk Kong can be cheaper than forming a corporation or a private limited company in Singapore because you may not have to pay to have local directors and the associated director liability fees that may apply in. Directors can be a person or a company , and they can be any nationality.

Registrar of Companies (the Registrar) for registration in strict compliance with the requirements of the Companies Ordinance (CO). When doing business with a Chinese company , be sure to check they have a legitimate China Foreign Trade Registration Certificate as well as a China Customs Registration Certificate. Domestic helpers or foreign household workers need to undergo training, assessment, and certification from TESDA to work abroad. This definition excludes branches of foreign enterprises and other economic organizations in the Chinese territory.

Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises are registered on condition that they comply with the applicable PRC laws concerning foreign legal entities prescribed. Easy Registration Applications for company incorporations includes a simultaneous application for business registrations. Requirements of audit report is listed in section 3– 4of the Companies Ordinance. A subsidiary company is a locally incorporated private limited company and the majority shareholder is another local or foreign company.

In Singapore, companies can be fully foreign -owne which allows foreign companies to incorporate a subsidiary company and own 1 of its shares. Both the regions have been luring foreign investors with their tax friendly policies, easy company incorporation procedures and excellent infrastructure, amongst several other factors. However, if you already have a business elsewhere, there are a couple of other options. These foreign identities can register their limited liability company in China without the interface of their counterparts in China. In short, foreign friends can roll up their sleeves and chase their business dreams directly in China.

Where a corporate JV is incorporated in the BVI or Cayman Islands, the corporate laws of those jurisdictions will apply.

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