First contact day

When is First Contact Day? What is the First Contact Day of the Phoenix? Apr Fun Holiday – First Contact Day.

The day is celebrated as a minor holiday in the Star Trek world and made its first appearance on the episode named Homestead in the Star Trek: Voyager series. However, this resulted in the warp signature being picked up by the T’Plana-Hath, a Vulcan survey ship.

This prompted the Vulcans to land and make first contact with Dr. The United Federation of Planets is a federation of the governments from over 1planets. On this day, the favorite music of Dr. Cochrane is played and his favorite foods are served. Celebrating this holiday is probably a whole lot simpler than inventing the first Warp drive but it can be just as much fun.

A good way to celebrate this is to have a Star Trek themed party where everyone shows up as their favorite characters in uniform. Just be sure to also make a plate of cheese pierogis for the good Dr.

Another great way to celebrate this holiday is by having a Star Trek television episode viewing marathon. You can also have a Star Trek movie mar. While you are celebrating this holiday, be sure to give everyone you see the Vulcan Salute.

And if you want to take it a step further, then you can always learn Vulcan. In fact, there are Vulcan Institutes where a person can learn Traditional Golic Vulcan, Modern Golic Vulcan and many of the other Vulcan sister languages. After all, this holiday is all about the relationship between humans and Vulcans. Star Trek: First Contact Day commemorates that day in real life, and fans everywhere get together to celebrate the most pivotal moment in Star Trek human history!

First Contact is an important part of a species introduction into the galactic community and is handled very carefully by the extant species of Star Fleet. See full list on holidayscalendar. For Humans this typically included a day off with low key observance of the event.

Similar incursions have since been attempted and prevented. While Day of Honor is an establish Klingon holiday, it was not previously stated to have occurred parallel to First Contact Day and was added to give some equivalency to Klingon characters. The Republic Day was invented to fulfil a similar role for the Romulans.

That night, the Vulcan survey ship the T’Plana-Hath landed in Bozeman, Montana, after tracking the warp signature of the Phoenix. Forty-three years from today, in Bozeman Montana, he will blast into space while rocking out to Steppenwolf’s “Magic Carpet Ride”. It contains a selection of seventeen Comm Badges.

The nature of perilous first contact between species, as represented by films such as Independence Day, Aliens and First Contact, is a marriage of classic fears of national invasion and the loss of personal identity. Each Year First Contact Day is observed on April month on the date of 05. Especially the USA people are waiting for this national holiday to observe. If you are a citizen of the United States of America, you must know about this day that makes an opportunity to contact each other.

Sapunkele How many days until first contact day ? During this time, players will participate in a brand new patrol,. April 5th is the anniversary of First Contact Day , when Humans and Vulcans first met on Earth! This Event will also run on console platforms delayed by only one week.

Looks like they just ported the Reward from the Individual Character Run First Contact Day from years gone by and did not adjust it to make it Account Unlock. There has been no word from them if this is going to be fixed. April 5th marks the future holiday where Earth and humankind became part of the galactic community in the Star Trek universe. Star Trek fans are celebrating First Contact Day online, acknowledging the.

This year, our First Contact Day celebration is a three week event, featuring a brand new mission!

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