Eu passport benefits

What are the benefits of being European? Longer stay If you have the EU passport , then you can stay in any European Union nation for as long as you want. European Union citizenship allows an individual to capitalize on any and all of the union’s benefits , including unhindered travel, universal employability, and preferential student status.

By comparison, a US passport enables citizens visa-free travel to 1countries. Most major airports in the EU and UK have ePassport gates, which are awesome.

When you use these you don’t have to talk to a human , but rather just use an automated machine that takes your picture. An Irish passport , for example, is an EU passport. Any country that belongs to the EU has a passport that gives you the right to access certain privileges within the EU. European passports are amongst the most powerful passports in the world.

German passport holders can travel to 1countries without a visa, with other EU countries, including Polan not far behind. My husband wrote a blog on this exact topic. I hope that you find it useful!

Firstly, why would anyone want an EU passport ? Visa Free Travel For my mother to visit us in Spain on her South African passport she needs a visa. Passport holders from countries outside of the EU can stay in Europe for days only in a period of 1days since day 1. For traveling in Europe, an EU citizen needs to have an internal passport (ID card) with him. This EU pass European informatics passport means that Romanian citizens have the same rights as citizens of Austria. Many of us have seen the effects first hand of weakening economic conditions in the United States and Canada. Any EU citizen can stay in any EU member country for as long as they’d like, meaning that you can move anywhere in the Union at-will.

Americans, however, are only given a 90-day visa on arrival in the Schengen Zone. Family Benefits – All EU Rights Extended to Your Family. Education Benefits – Great Schools and Universities to Choose from. If you’ve got Polish blood it might be worthwhile to get a secondary passport as the ability to move to Poland is certainly not the only benefit you would derive from obtaining Polish citizenship. The challenge is, of course, that much of Europe is insolvent and has succumbed to socialist policies that make doing business and paying taxes there a real chore.

Benefits of the UK passport includes providing its holders with visa-free travel to a myriad of countries. The following is a list depicting visa-free travel for UK passport holders: Asia. You might be able to claim benefits if you’re from the EU or European Economic Area (EEA) and you live in the UK.

The EEA includes EU countries and also Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.

You might also be able to claim benefits if you’re from Switzerland. You’ll need to prove different things about your life here for each benefit you apply for. A UK passport does not. A European Union ( EU ) passport allows you to work, live, retire and study in any country in the European Union without limitations.

Right to retire in any EU country, etc. The United States expressly permits dual citizens. Your US citizenship is not affected by this in any way.

Other advantages include: Ability to transfer your citizenship to your children and their children. Photograph: Alamy Stock Photo When Guardian Money surveyed other major EU countries, it emerges that Ireland is. Another example: a passport from a member of the Caribbean Community (e.g., the Commonwealth of Dominica), gives you the right to live or work in most other CARICOM countries.

EU citizenship will increase both your economic and personal freedom. It can aid in international tax planning. If you can claim citizenship by descent through a relative who is from Spain, Irelan Italy or any other EU or EEU country and associated micro-states, you can essentially live, work and study anywhere in the EU without ever applying for a visa.

As an EU citizen, you are entitled to study at any EU university under the same conditions as nationals. However, conditions of entry vary significantly between individual countries and universities.

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