Endorse in a sentence

What is an example of endorse? Henceforth its sole effective function was to endorse and promulgate the decrees of the government of Vienna. Endorse sentence examples.

If the president chooses to endorse the politician, he will lose many supporters who oppose the legislator. The singer is being paid to endorse the soft drink in a series of commercials.

The National Executive is expected to endorse these recommendations. No one is foolish enough to endorse it. I can endorse their opinion wholeheartedly. The Prime Minister is unlikely to endorse this view. The payee of the cheque must endorse the cheque.

To endorse sortition as a means of representing the people does not require believing that the people are perfect. They endorse our utilization of emerging technologies for research, education, and therapy. If we can just get the great man to endorse Scottish tourism, we could make a very unspiritual mint.

It was the first judicial election in a decade in which political parties could endorse candidates. In conclusion, I fully endorse your desire to avoid confrontational behaviour surrounding international rugby. Definition of endorse. Examples of endorsement in a Sentence The newspaper has announced its political endorsements. Why do consumers care if celebrities endorse a product?

We hope that the Council will endorse that recommendation. The Committee should endorse that request. She hoped that the Board would endorse the proposal. I endorse your solution.

Will you endorse my note for that amount? Of course we do not endorse the chapter on baptism. Why, even Jack would not endorse a yarn like that. Having decided in favour of a monarchy, the provisional government first offered the throne to the duc de Nemours, son.

Malet had informed Sherif Pasha that, although. The policies endorsed by this party seem to be quite unpopular with the general public. Michael Jackson used to endorse Pepsi in a number of advertisements.

Recommend (a product) in an advertisement. More example sentences. To sign a legal document, such as a check. See also endorsement and endorser. To back or support a plan, idea, or person.

Sentence Examples According to the Pass Law, government officials possessed the power to expel the worker from the area by adverse endorsement in the passbook. The emergence of terminal and hospice care, and subsequent endorsement of the specialty of palliative medicine, is a clear expression of this. Effectively this is an endorsement from another. However, such usage may be a stylistic catachresis—one that has the potential for misinterpretation or misunderstanding. To give an endorsement.

Also indorse (for defs. 1-6).

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