Companies house uk

Companies house uk

We incorporate and dissolve limited companies. We register company information and make it available to the public. Companies House is an executive agency, sponsored by the Department for Business. Get company information including registered address,.

Companies house uk

Company registration and filing: Starting a company – GOV. A collection of guides about registering, filing and. You can add documents to your shopping basket. How to verify that a business really exists?

This includes annual accounts and confirmation statements, and any changes to your company details. See full list on companeishouse. It falls under the remit of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and is also a member of the Public Data Group. Register a Ltd Company – £10.

Companies house uk

We also invite guest bloggers who have an interest in UK companies and business advice. You should also complete and submit form DSalong with a £filing fee. We do not provide legal or financial services or advice, and we do not review the information you submit from a legal or financial standpoint.

It deals with the regulation and incorporation of limited liability partnerships and limited companies in the UK. Only limited companies and limited liability partnerships (LLPs) can use this service. Read the guidance to find out which documents you can file using this service.

Inform Direct is the perfect tool to help make this task a whole lot easier, meaning you can focus more on running your business. Simple Formations is a trading name of Small Firms Services Limited. Late delivery will result in the issue of an automatic and substantial fine on the company.

In addition, the company ’s directors (and company secretary ) could face prosecution in the criminal courts – resulting in large personal fines and.

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