Certified true copy wording

If the client brings the copy to you, inspect the copy closely and compare it to the original to assure the copy is a true copy. Step – Use the correct notarial certificate for making a certified copy. Or, if you prefer, use a stamp on the copy that has your statutory notary certificate wording for this type of act. A notary public may certify a true copy of an original document.

This page summarize the law, requirment, procedure and example regarding true copy certification for Texas, Florida, Geogia, North Carolina and other states and the authentication for use in China. A certified copy is often used in English-speaking common law countries as a convenient way of providing a copy of documents.

The work-around is the Copy Certification by Document Custodian. This is an affidavit by the constituent stating that THEY swear that the copy is a true and accurate copy of the original in their possession. Before certifying a document, the certifier must ensure the copy to be certified is an identical copy of the original.

A certifier should not certify a document in a language other than English unless they can be sure that the original and the copy are identical. If you need other types of documents copy certified , you may wish to contact an attorney or the agency that has requested the certified copies to find out what alternatives to a Notary certifying the copies is acceptable. Who can sign certified true copy? What does certified copy mean? Where to get a certified copy made?

Whether you are authorized to certify copies of documents depends on where you are commissioned.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with your state Notary laws, so you know whether you may certify a document copy or need to turn down the request. See full list on nationalnotary. Florida and Pennsylvania authorize Notaries to certify copies of most documents, yet both states prohibit certifying copies of birth, death and marriage certificates. Texas only allows Notaries to certify copies of documents that cannot be recorded with any type of government entity. It’s illegal to make unauthorized copies of certain immigration forms — such as a Certificate of Naturalization, Certificate of Citizenship or Declaration of Intention to Become a Citizen — and doing so may carry.

While prohibiting Notaries from performing copy certifications on documents such as vital records and publicly recorded documents is common, two states don’t stop there. Colorado and West Virginia uniquely require a Notary to obtain a written and signed request for the copy certification from the requestor prior to performing the notarial act and specify the contents of this written request. The request must state that a certified copy cannot be obtained from a recorder or custodian of public.

If state law does not authorize a Notary to certify a document copy, in some situations you may be able to notarize the signature of a person who has written a statement attesting to the accuracy of the copy. The signer should present you with the written attestation statement, a proper notarial certificate and the photocopy of the document in question. If the signer’s statement doesn’t contain a notarial certificate, then the signer must instruct you on which notarial act to perform.

Oklahoma Notaries are permitted to certify copies of documents. A copy of a document which has been certified as being a true , complete and up-to-date copy of the original at a given date. Certification is achieved by a statement to the above effect being signed and dated by the certifying person on the copy document. Sometimes, it takes more effort. A certified document is a document that’s been signed by a professional or someone of ‘good standing’ to confirm that it’s a ‘true copy’ of an original document.

Typical certified documents a pension provider might ask for include: Passports. You will need to have the original document and at least one photocopy.

Take them both when you ask a person to certify the copy. The certifying professional must sign and date it. If you are asked to certify a copy of a document — that is, to vouch for the fact that the copy is true and accurate — you need to know a few important facts about state Notary laws before doing so. Certifying to a Copy of a Document State of OREGON County of _____ I certify (or attest) that this is a true and correct copy of a record in the possession of_____.

Certified True Copy is required for many purposes. I certify that the (preceding) (following) (attached) document is a true , exact, complete, and unaltered. Certify a Copy : Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

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