Australian super performance

We use our scale and global reach to invest for members like no other fund can. AustralianSuper returns are based on crediting rates. Investment returns aren’t guaranteed. Past performance isn’t a reliable indicator of future returns.

Strong, long-term performance.

When you compare super funds, look at long-term performance history, not just how the fund is performing today. Equities and property were among the first to be internalised. If — like me — you’d rather someone else do it, you’re in luck. The overall market outlook. The impact of recent volatility on member returns.

Both ended the year with a positive result. Daily rates as indicated within table. Superannuation investment performance.

Retirement investment performance. Performance figures shown reflect net investment performance , i. It manages over $1billion in assets on behalf of more than 2. Again median figures can provide good context. Playing the long game It’s important to keep an eye on how your super is performing for you year to year (and interesting to see how other funds have performed), but for most people, superannuation will be the longest-held investment we. Review the top performers in some of the key comparison metrics for superannuation funds. Will not release my ato proved super claim.

Instead everyday make ridiculous requests for me to uphold so they can hold onto my money for longer. I’ve gave them my details even got my details certified yet they still won’t release my super. Since then, the median growth fund has returned 7. The annual CPI increase (a measure of inflation) over the same period is 2. Are you with a top performing super fund?

OnePath and AMP once again featured heavily in this Fat Cat Fund list, both with four worst performing funds each. They delivered returns of 9. It’s notable that all funds are Industry funds, except for Telstra Super which is a Corporate fund and QSuper which is a Public Sector fund (although now available to the general public). Aussiespeed Supercharger kits are now , our range of kits and components will allow you to supercharge a wide range of engines.

The performance of the peers is calculated as the total of the performance for each time period for all the funds in the peer group, divided by the number of funds in the peer group.

Monthly performance figures are calculated by Christian Super ’s custodian, after receipt of information from a wide range of sources. Of course you can always get up-to date performance information by contacting us. Best performing Super. Growth option ranks 12th over the years.

Balanced option ranks 3rd over year. Accessing Super Early. MySuper Products Currently Available. You must be over years of age. If you are under the age of 1 but earning more than $4before tax per month, you must be working more than hours per week to qualify for super.

Sunsuper is well below many others, however, Hostplus is 0. From my research, no one else can beat that. Looks suspiciously cheap.

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