Australian citizenship act 1948

While the Act had symbolic importance, it was driven more by pragmatism than a desire to enshrine a distinct national identity. This relationship has developed formally through government administrative structures and has been demonstrated in the way that changes to citizenship law have reflected changes in immigration policies. The success of the migration program has been consistently linked to citizenship outcomes for migrants. The original intention of Australia’s migration program was that the country’s population would be increased approximately one per cent per year through natural increase, and one per cent through migration.

The nation-building effect of managed migration has been significant: sin.

See full list on aph. There was widespread public support for the adoption of a national immigration policy and administration upon Federation. Immigration was at the time administered separately by the states.

All of the major parties involved in the new Federal Parliament held policies deliberately aimed at the exclusion of non-European migrants. There was bi-partisan support for the expansion of immigration in order to meet the workforce needs of a growing economy and to combat the declining birth-rate. A vast increase in the population was seen as key to developing a defensive capability following the demonstration of Australia’s military vulnerability during the Second World War, and to strengt.

Then Secretary of the department, T. He engaged the department in a process of monitoring the take-up of citizenship by migrants.

Citizenship for abandoned children 15. Simplified outline 16. Application and eligibility for citizenship 17. Day citizenship begins 19A. Compilation Information.

BE it enacted by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate, and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows :— PART I. NATIONALITY AND CITIZENSHIP. This Act may be cited as the Nationality. Former nationality or citizenship. Get this from a library! Human Rights Commission.

This was found in Section of the act (‘Loss of citizenship on acquisition of another nationality’). In reality, the situation was more complicated. Both English-speaking Canada and Australia still regarded themselves as British nations. An Act to make provision for British nationality and for citizenship of the United Kingdom and Colonies and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid. They must have been British subjects immediately prior to that date.

If one is ordinarily resident in Australia for ten years since the date of birth.

Australian citizenship is an extraordinary privilege which provides full and formal membership of Australian society. This prevented a naturalised person being stripped of citizenship and deported. Professor AP Elkin, the Aborigines Friends Association, and others agitated for better conditions for Indigenous people and their right to vote.

Section 44(i) sets out the prohibition to be elected to parliament for those holding dual or multiple citizenship , while section 44(ii) deals with anyone with a criminal conviction carrying a jail term of one year or more. Consequently, dual citizenship was accepted as a matter of legal. This article appeared on pages – of the original journal.

But Australian Parliament had no source of power to make law to determine conditions for acquisition or loss of nationality at birth. Displaced migrants from Europe were followed by economic migrants from Britain and the rest of Europe. In these Regulations, a reference to a Form by number shall be read as a reference to the Form so numbered in the Schedule to these Regulations.

Strict compliance with the Forms is not necessary and substantial compliance is sufficient. However, the power was never used. Prior to this, Australians were British subjects.

The procedure and the role for the courts in that process has never been clarified at law.

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