Apis mellifica for hives

Warmth worsens the burning and itching. They may be from a bite, sting, allergic reaction, or joint inflammation and are relieved by cold applications and worsened by warmth or pressure. See full list on homeopathyplus.

While above self-limiting or acute complaints are suitable for home treatment, also contact your healthcare provider during emergency situations or if symptoms worsen or fail to improve. Chronic or persistent complaints, which may or may not be mentioned above, require a different treatment and dosage protocol so are best managed by a qualified homeopath for good. For acute and self-limiting complaints, take one pill or five drops of the remedy every seconds to hours (seconds for intense symptoms such as those of a life-threatening allergic reaction, hours for milder ones).

Once an improvement is notice stop dosing and repeat the remedy only if symptoms return. If there is no improvement at all by three doses, choose a different remedy or seek professional guidance. Chronic symptoms or complaints require a course of professional treatment to manage the changes in potencies and remedies that will be required. In an FDA-regulated homeopathic pharmacy, a honeybee is crushed , added to alcohol , and then diluted so many times the offending aspect of the bee venom is removed , leaving only the curative agent.

This medicine is suited to people who have sensitive skin and are prone to suffering from skin allergies and skin rash. It is also used to manage inflammatory conditions of urinary tract, joints, with stinging, burning pains. Next, it is a incomparable medicine to treat skin allergies and eye allergies. Apart from the above, its action is marked to treat conditions with fluid retention in body parts like hydrocephalus (build up of excess cerebrospinal fluid in the cavities i.e. ventricle of the the brain), swollen ankles, oedema of legs, swollen joints, puffy swollen face.

It also is a very useful medicine to manage hydrocephalus cases.

This is an important medicine to manage meningitis i. In both these cases it is used when the affected child is unable to hold the head erect and keeps boring the head into the pillow. Other attending symptoms shown by the child are drowsiness, me. If we look on the tongue then it is fiery re swollen. Sometimes cracks, ulcers or vesicles on tongue are seen.

Person also feels the tongue is dry with inability to swallow. They may have bitter taste in mouth along with above symptoms. Along with it, swelling of eyelids and hot watery discharge from eyes is prominent. Swollen, pale red bumps with violent itching and burning. Apply ice cubes to the skin to relieve itching and swelling.

Hives are sometimes associated with diarrhea. Burning and itching are improves by hot applications. Marcy following the cure of a severely oedematous kidney patient who was prescribed dried and powdered honeybees by a native Indian medicine woman.

As a result of this remarkable cure, the powdered bee was then potentised and tested in provings. Symptoms: Swelling, itching. But using it based on only symptom “Hives due to heat in winter” may not offer cure.

We need to consider the totality of the symptom. Take the complete medical history and find the infection which caused hives.

Apis mellifica is a great remedy and offers amazing cure. Other symptoms that are taken care of by this medication include severe itching and a stinging sensation that worsens at night or with exposure to col coupled with mild fever. Arsenicum Alb: There is burning pain and restlessness and this medicine is particularly relevant if the hives have occurred from eating shellfish.

APIS treatment is similar to those of honey Bee sting. It is very helpful in insect bites, allergic reactions, and bee stings. Which can be turned into swelling redness burning itching and rash etc.

A characteristic stinging pain in the urticarial eruptions is also observed. I have seen people recover wonderfully well with these two medicines in many cases of urticaria related itching. Both the medicines are made from natural sources and are therefore, safe and free from side effects.

Levin’s remarkable hives and angioedema treatment. Read on to discover what really causes your hives and angioedema. Read Jane’s Story about One Simple Trick To End Severe Hives Fast.

The inside story on Dr.

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