Antidote of apis mellifica

This medicine is suited to people who have sensitive skin and are prone to suffering from skin allergies and skin rash. See full list on drhomeo. It is also used to manage inflammatory conditions of urinary tract, joints, with stinging, burning pains.

Next, it is a incomparable medicine to treat skin allergies and eye allergies. Apart from the above, its action is marked to treat conditions with fluid retention in body parts like hydrocephalus (build up of excess cerebrospinal fluid in the cavities i.e. ventricle of the the brain), swollen ankles, oedema of legs, swollen joints, puffy swollen face.

It also is a very useful medicine to manage hydrocephalus cases. This is an important medicine to manage meningitis i. In both these cases it is used when the affected child is unable to hold the head erect and keeps boring the head into the pillow. The child also shows intense irritability with crying and loud screaming. Other attending symptoms shown by the child are drowsiness, me.

If we look on the tongue then it is fiery re swollen. Sometimes cracks, ulcers or vesicles on tongue are seen. Person also feels the tongue is dry with inability to swallow.

They may have bitter taste in mouth along with above symptoms. The key features to use this medicine in above eye complaints are redness of conjunctiva with burning, stinging, shooting pain in the eyes. Along with it, swelling of eyelids and hot watery discharge from eyes is prominent. If you are called to a child that has been drugged with crude Apis you can generally antidote it with Cantharis.

The violent frenzy that has been brought on by Cantharis will be overcome by Apis. APIS MELLIFICA more information and order at Remedia Homeopathy The Honey-Bee. Acts on cellular tissues causing oedema of skin and mucous membranes. The very characteristic effects of the sting of the bee furnish unerring indications for its employment in disease. Apis is a large remedy that has been but partially understood and little use mainly because of a lack of appreciation of the inner nature of the remedy.

Kent probably felt similarly when he said in his lecture on Apis : We must be able to see in the general beginning of provings the disease which they resemble, for we do not always see the remedy in the advanced state. We see the disease in a state of progress and must be able to see it in the beginning. As was the disease in the beginning so was the remedy in the beginning. Things that have similar beginnings may have similar endings.

To be able to code these subtle changes is the main objective of this materia medica. To understand the inner pathology and the idiosyncracies of this most interesting remedy we have to look upon the effect that the bee sting has on the human o. Typical Apis patients will never enter a sauna, not even a moderately warm bath, as it will make them suffocateand feel dizzy – they may develop headaches, congestion in hea red rash of the skin etc.

In brain troubles, writes Kent, if you put an Apis patient with congestion of the brain in a warm bath he will go into convulsions. If a baby needs Apis in congestion of the brain the fits become worse by bathing in hot water. The patient wants the windows open to cool the room even if he has chills. It is one of the characteristics of this remedy that they feel that they cannot breathe, that they will suffocate in a warm room.

He will uncover himself even when suffering from chills as heat makes him feel uncomfortable. Inflammation, enlargement and cysts of the ovaries. Abortion in early months.

Proteinuria during pregnancy. Kidney diseases, dropsy, hematuria, anasarca. Retention or suppression of urine. Angina, laryngitis, pleuritis with exudation, diphtheria. All kinds of ophthalmia, (severe conjunctivitis, trachoma, allergic conditions etc.) Hay fever.

Headaches, congestion of head. Heart diseases, pericarditis. Hydrocephalus, meningitis, meningo-encephalitis. Dysentry, gastro-enteritis, cholera infantum.

Allergic conditions, urticaria, lupus erythematodus. Delay in the appearence of skin eruption resulting in internal troubles. Suppressed eruptions. Baryta carbonica, if lymphatics are involved.

Complementary: Natrium muriaticum. A lad aged about twelve years has been afflicted for several months with ascites and hydrothorax. He has been treated for some three months by allopathic physicians first for dysentery, followed by ascites, and afterwards for several months by a homeopathic physician. No permanent benefit resulted from either mode of medication, and the symptoms finally became so urgent that I was called in consultation, and tapping was at once resorted to in order to save the patient from imminent danger.

Appropriate homeopathic remedies were again prescribe but without arresting the onward course of the malady. The secretion of the urine was nearly suspende the skin was dry and hot, pulse rapid and weak, respiration short and difficult, great tenderness of the abdomen, dryness of the mouth and throat, thirst, excessive restlessness and anxiety, short irritating cough and an almost entire inability to sleep. At this stage of the case,. Marcy following the cure of a severely oedematous kidney patient who was prescribed dried and powdered honeybees by a native Indian medicine woman.

It is particularly effective and is the main remedy used to treat many kinds of pathologies. During the course of treatment, it is mandatory to pay attention to personal hygiene. Apis mellifica has a wide application in the field of ENT diseases. Note that these symptoms can be linked to an eyelid deformity.

In such a case, it is imperative to seek medical attention immediately. If the condition worsens, a doctor must be consulted immediately. These symptoms are usually caused by salpingitis, which is an inflammation of the fallopian tubes, or by ovarian cysts. The remedy is thus particularly effective if the patient feels pain in the ovaries.

However, it is better to consult a specialist, especially if the woman is pregnant. For example, know that urethritis and cystitis are characterised by dark-coloured urine, a decreasing micturation frequency and a burning sensation occurring during the last drops. For example, the remedy is recommended to exhausted patient, with an aching body and feeling pain intensified by contact. The medication is also effective against several types of infections like sore throat and tonsillitis.

Moreover, the remedy should also be taken outside of meals. The doses and granules should be left to dissolve under the tongue, or in a glass of water in the case of infants. Benign summer light eruption 13.

Shingles Good to know: Apis Mellifica has stronger effects when taken in the form of globules and granules. Before treatment, the patient should check his tolerance level to lactose and sucrose, which is the main com. Is there an antidote to apis ? I want my child to have rhus or conium, but he had apis last month. If there is an antidote for apis , tell me, please. Started by kirsten13.

But what else should are considered antidotes in the average diet? These are relationship sections of other remedies that refer to Apis Mellifica. Where the text is greyed out, a relationship with that remedy is already described above. CYMARIN is the active principle of Apocynum Cannabinum. Physiological Action Apis Mellifica ( Apis ) : This agent is a diuretic, diaphoretic, and alternative.

It stimulates the kidneys, and has an irritating influence upon the urinary tract. Method of treatment for ENT diseases. Homeopathic remedy used for Stings. For example, it is indicated for the treatment of acute otitis affecting children and adults, and can also be used in case of ear suppuration. Many potencies available.

The smarting, burning and stinging along the urinary tract will be found under Apis. Symptoms: Swelling, itching. Find treatment reviews for Homeopathic Apis Mellifica (homeopathy) from other patients. Learn from their experiences about effectiveness, side effects and cost Dismiss this notification PatientsLikeMe would like to remind you that your browser is out of date and many features of the website may not function as expected.

Chamomilla – Give one hour prior to dental appointrnent for patients with a low pain threshold. It also expedites the wearing off of the numbness following the dental appointment. Hypericum – Use where there is an injured nerve.

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