A priori in a sentence

What is a priori knowledge? Is a priori knowledge really possible? A universal a priori semimeasure is defined as the transformation , by a given universal monotone Turing machine , of the uniform measure on the infinite strings.

For that they can be described as half a priori , half a posteriori. And included in those who have an a priori. Skeptics also raise counterpoints to positive a priori arguments.

The formal cause of a bit is specified a priori and requires no investigation. A priori here does not have a temporal or causal meaning. Immanuel Kant does just this in the a priori cognition of mathematics. There is a priori knowledge of nature that precedes all experience. In English, we use it to describe ideas, arguments, and assumptions that are based on conjecture, prejudice, or abstract reasoning rather than real-world experience.

The opposite of a priori is a posteriori, which describes ideas that are based on experience. Definition of a priori. Examples of a priori hypothesis in a sentence , how to use it.

Priori in a sentence.

In this sense, a priori describes knowledge that requires no evidence. An a priori assumption may be brought out in a legal complaint, motion, or even at trial, as one party’s line of reasoning stems from something that has happened in the past. More Synonyms of a priori. This phrase refers to a type of reasoning that examines given general principles to discover what particular facts or real-life observations can be derived from them.

However, a priori is sometimes used as an adjective to modify other nouns, such as truth. Additionally, philosophers often modify this use. For example, apriority and aprioricity are sometimes used as nouns to refer (approximately) to the quality of being a priori. Knowledge is described as a priori when it can be validated independently of empirical evidence, experience, or observation.

In simpler terms, a priori knowledge is that which is obtained entirely by logic. A posteriori in a sentence. Either the maximum likelihood estimate or the maximum a posteriori estimate may be used in place of the exact value in the above equations. A maximum a posteriori estimation approach is used to evaluate the optimal values for the estimates of the parameters. A given proposition is knowable a priori if it can be known independent of any experience other than the experience of learning the language in which the proposition is expresse whereas a proposition that is knowable a posteriori is known on the basis of experience.

Religious people have the a priori belief that God exists without any physical proof. The definition of priori is something assumed or based on logic not from facts or experience. An example of a priori is making an assumption that the cost of a trip now will cost more than it did ten years ago.

YourDictionary definition and usage example. Latin term meaning “from the cause to the effect.

Translations of the word PRIORI from italian to english and examples of the use of PRIORI in a sentence with their translations: Valutazione a priori , controllo e valutazione a. An Initial Characterization. A priori” and “a posteriori” refer primarily to how, or on what basis, a proposition might be known. Synthetic a priori proposition, in logic, a proposition the predicate of which is not logically or analytically contained in the subject—i.

That kind of knowledge is a priori in the sense that one need not engage in any factual or empirical inquiry in order to obtain it. In contrast, just such an investigation is necessary in order to know whether the first sentence is true. Unlike the second sentence , simply understanding the words is not enough.

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