What are the grounds for contesting a Will? Do you have legal standing to contest a will? Who can challenge a will? Can I contest or challenge a will?
In the absence of blatant lies and wrongdoing on the part of multiple people, or explicit medical evidence at or near the time the will was signed that the testator was incompetent, proving that a will is invalid can be difficult and very expensive.
There are many ways to contest a Will – they are known as grounds for contesting a Will. Common reasons for challenging a Will include proving that it is invali or that the Will did not make adequate provision for dependants. The process of contesting a Will is known as contentious probate. State law determines which parties can contest a will.
However, generally the people named in the will, the beneficiaries, and the people who would stand to inherent absent a will, the heirs, can contest a will. Grounds to Contest a Will There are several grounds that a person can use to contest a will. Some common reasons to contest a will.
While the distribution of assets may have been unfair, you won’t have standing if the will is ironclad. (more…)