Can I make an unfair dismissal application? What is unfair dismissal? How to resolve an unfair dismissal claim? Unfair dismissal application.

Use this form to lodge an unfair dismissal application with the Fair Work Commission. This form and any supporting information should be lodged within days of your dismissal taking effect. Carrying out activities in his role as a health and safety to minimize safety and health risks.
Bringing a concern about health and safety to the employer’s notice. You should make sure that your application relates to the circumstances of your case. If you have given or been given notice, the date your dismissal takes effect is the date your notice period ends. If you answer “no”, and are seeking to lodge an application later than days after your dismissal takes effect, you may seek an exemption from the FWC. Making an unfair dismissal application is a legal process – it is not just making a complaint against your employer.
You need to take the process seriously and follow the proper procedures. Start your claim by lodging an application form (Form F2) that is available from the Commission’s website and offices. If you have been dismissed from your employment you may be able to make an application to the Fair Work Commission under either unfair dismissal or general protections dismissal laws. (more…)