This visa subclass 4is a temporary graduate visa. The visa is relevant for those applicants who are international students and recently graduated with a skilled and qualified degree from an Australian institute. The visa subclass 4popularly known as temporary graduate visa subclass 4is a type of visa category which is available to the international students who recently completed any of their graduation courses with some specific qualifications and skills and are relevant to the particular needs and requirements of the Australian occupations.
During the period when the applicant is residing in the country, he or she has the freedom to travel in and around the country without any restrictions. The applicants about to apply for visa subclass 4has to be already in Australia. You must be in Australia to lodge a valid visa application.
You are free to travel outside Australia. There are no restrictions on your return as long as this visa is valid. Persons you can include in this Visa. You can add your immediate family members in. Visa subclass 4is a temporary graduate visa.
Subclass 4Visa is a multi-entry visa. Check how to apply for visa subclass 4? (more…)