HOME dollars to offer tenant-based rental assistance to low-income renters. RENTAL ASSISTANCE UPDATES RELATED TO COVID-As circumstances from COVID-continue to evolve, LHC’s priority is ensuring the health and safety of our staff, customers, and partners while continuing to fulfill our mission of investing in affordable housing and economic development. Rental assistance may be provided to eligible households for up to three months. Find out where to look for federal, state, and local rent help here. Other articles from investopedia.

A COHHIO-led coalition demonstrates broad consensus for government action to ensure that Ohioans not lose their homes during the pandemic. Examples include losing employment, needing to care for a school-aged chilor being diagnosed with COVID-19. For additional assistance with housing needs, utility shutoffs, family or financial issues, tenants should contact Maryland 2-1-by calling 2or visiting 211md. See full list on dhcd.
Tenants should practice cleanliness, good hygiene, and social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance. Wash your hands often with soap and water or use hand sanitizer. Cover your mouth and nose while sneezing or coughing and avoid touching your face. Avoid contact with sick people, and stay in your apartment if you are sick. (more…)