Child between 6-years of age. If you choose to get your passport by an courier, there is also an additional fee you have to pay. The prior fee of €60. Since the fee for all types of visas is Euro.
Fees are non-refundable under any circumstances. Still, depending on the age of the applicant, nationality and some other factors, there are categories that will have to pay a lower fee or no fee at all.
Most people think that the 180-day period starts on the day you visa becomes vali which is not true. Actually, the 180-day period keeps rolling. Note: Keep in mind that these fees may change depending on currency fluctuations and can be paid only in UK Pounds. Adults (years old and older) 92. Humanitarian reasons in circumstances of major accidents or other similar emergencies.
Students, school pupils, and accompanying teachers during a school trip Researchers traveling to perform scientific research Holders of diplomatic, official, or service passport traveling for official purposes A family. Naira currency below 5is not acceptable 3. Go with the exact amount because most of the centers doesn’t give change. (more…)