Income that you earn from your investment in Australia is subject to Australian taxation law. Adequate health insurance. You can also apply for a second Significant Investor Extension stream visa.
If grante you will be able to travel to, enter and remain in Australia for years after the date of the grant of the original Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa ( subclass 1) in the Significant Investor stream. This visa lets you stay in Australia indefinitely.
You can apply if you hold a Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188) in the Investor stream. It lets you continue your investment activities in Australia. You and your family members who are part of your application must comply with all visa conditions and Australian laws. If you apply for a Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent visa (subclass 888) Premisum Investor stream , you must genuinely have a realistic commitment to maintain business and investment activity.
Australian Business Investor Stream is a temporary visa for successful business people and investors who are under years of age. (more…)