All visa applications must be addressed to your nearest Belgian embassy or consulate before you move to Belgium. There is one application form for short-term visas (up to days) and one for long-term visas. The first step towards applying for asylum in Belgium is submitting an application to the General Commissariat for Refugees and Stateless Persons (CGRS ). If you are not Belgian and you wish to move to Belgium , you must have the necessary residence documents.
The residence procedure which a foreign national must follow depends on his nationality and on the duration and purpose of his stay in Belgium.
It may be quite difficult to obtain a residence permit in Belgium, due to the strict immigration policies, in contrast with other European countries. Therefore we suggest the Latvian residence permit. There is a significant difference in Belgian law between a simple visa and a long stay or a residence permit, officially called stay document, however, no long stay visa. If you can demonstrate that you are economically independent, generally you don’t have a problem getting approved.
You should apply for an ID card and will be awarded residency from a long stay visa. You don’t need to maintain physical residence in Belgium. (more…)