Although some people regard bank cheques as equivalent to cash, there are certain circumstances where a bank cheque may not be paid. Its most probable the cheque has gone stale, when this happens the credit will sit on your account until we have bank account details or you contact us and request a replacement cheque. Once you deposit a cheque, the funds are normally available after three business days. It is worthless You cannot cash such.
However, cheques backed by a cheque guarantee card cannot be stopped. We Make It Easy To Order And Re-Order Safe And Secure Customized Checks.
Every bank cheque has a validity of months from the date of issue of cheque. Let us say you issue a cheque to somebody on Jan 1st, till June 30th the cheque is valid. I have cheques that add up to more than $20– will the feature accept them all? Why do I need to input the value when it’s on the cheque ? I entered the incorrect amount of the cheque when I scanned it, what do I do?
This is a fee we charge for issuing a bank cheque. Bank cheques are available from any Commonwealth Bank branch. Contact whoever issued the cheque and ask them to write out a new one.
Cheques are usually valid for months. (more…)