How long is my ESTA approval good for? Is my Esta still valid? As long as you received an ESTA authorization to travel, you do not have to reapply during the validity period. If your ESTA expires while in the US it will not affect your departure.
This means that after receiving your ESTA it will be only valid until the moment of your passport expiry date if that comes before the two year ESTA validly period ends. Holders of passports that are due to expire in the following years will receive their ESTA with a validity period that coincides with the passport expiration date. During the period of ESTA validity, its holders may make multiple trips to the United States. This means that as long as you received an ESTA authorization to travel, you do not have to reapply during the validity period.
Though the period of stay authorised is days , once granted you are permitted to travel with ESTA as many times as you like provided your ESTA remains valid. You only need to reapply for ESTA after its validity has expire i. The Authorization Approved screen displays your travel authorization expiration date. As previously state the ESTA authorisation is valid for two years consecutively for the planning of a number of visits to the United States. Although the period of stay authorised by an ESTA is days , once this authorisation has been granted it can be used numerous times, in other words for several trips to the USA. (more…)