Understand and care for people with dementia. Developed by leading medical schools and universities, these courses will help you understand the symptoms and challenges associated with dementia, memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease, and explore the latest information, research and best practice advice for carers. Keep your professional skills up to date and tackle key healthcare issues with short online healthcare training courses , in-depth programs , microcredentials or a full postgraduate degree. Start learning for free , on desktop, tablet or mobile. Learn flexibly online , for free.

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Global health issues continue to adversely affect millions of people around the world. Carers need to be available to provide those individuals with the help and assistance that they require to live as independently as possible. It will be also be of interest to other people working in adult care services including those working in sheltered housing, supported living services, extra care housing services, adult placement homes and other residential care services. (more…)