What is the process to become a CPA? Age requirements to become a CPA. The only exception is if you are in a special program. Let us guide you towards landing an influential job in virtually any industry.

Who does the FBI recruit to investigate criminalfraud? What profession is often a stepping-stone to top-echelon positions like CFO and CEO? Who helps Hollywood moguls and actors manage their money?
See full list on cpaexam. First, the big picture: each U. Many jurisdictions are similar in their requirements, but because the Certified Public Accountant licensure is regulated by individual state boards of accountancy, the requirements can and do differ between jurisdictions. All state boards of accountancy – with the exception of the U. Virgin Islands – require a minimum of 1hours of post-secondary education from a regionally accredited institution. Most bachelor degrees typically only give students 120-semester hours-meaning they have to obtain an extra semester hours to meet the requirement. Please feel free to fill out the form below with any question you might have.
We are happy to assist. CPA Examrequirements. It also protects the public interest by ensuring that only qualified individuals become licensed as CPAs.
While the specific steps are similar across the country, each individual state may have small differences. (more…)