The NSW Food Authority will continue to regulate domestic kitchens that only sell food to other businesses, such as cafes, restaurants and supermarkets. Do you need to sell cakes? How to make money selling cakes?
First off, make sure it’s legal in your state to sell home -baked goods. The regulations surrounding this industry are called cottage food laws, and they vary by state. Partner with local restaurants to sell your cake.
Although this involves serious marketing process, this will be good for you because it can add to your credibility. You can also take in some personal orders as well. Another marketing strategy is to sponsor a cake tasting event. If everyone loves your homemade sweet treats it’s likely that you could make money from them! Take a look at our guide to making and selling your delicious creations below, and see some of the great comments from readers too.
Full of sweetness and love, cakes are undoubtedly the best part of every celebration. Ferns N Petals offers a variety of flavoured cakes for every festival and all major occasions. If you are in a hurry and want fast cake delivery to the destination of your choice, you can trust us.
We assure reliable delivery of cakes all over India in two hours. United States of America. Select your country or region.