Company registration number – what is it? You will leave the IRS website and enter the state website. The registration number , or RN, can be used instead of a company name on product tags and labels. A company registration number is a unique combination of numbers an in some cases, letters. Businesses can use a registered identification number (RN) in place of a company name on the required label.
An RN is not required. Find details of NZ companies and overseas companies operating in New Zealan and get help to comply with the legal obligations all companies must meet. We incorporate and dissolve limited companies. We register company information and make it available to the public. Companies House is an executive agency, sponsored by the Department for Business.
Warnings The information in this database might be outdated because it is based on voluntary information provided by the company during its original application for a registration number. It is used to identify your limited company or limited liability partnership (LLP) and verify its existence as a legally incorporated entity. It is usually numbers, or letters followed by numbers. When a company is registered without a reserved name, its registration number automatically becomes the company name.
This is the quickest way to register a company. (more…)