India is stepping up its curbs on Chinese activity in the country, adding extra scrutiny for visas. A former Crown boss has told a public inquiry that the casino did not have a cosy relationship. First it was barley and beef exports to China and then last week, it was wine. Applying for a visa to China is not easy and it takes approximately weeks to complete the process.
Applying through CVASC, applicants need to complete the application form and print it out. Australia is clearly.
Make observation ahead and then go to submit your form. Then pick up on the collection day and pay the fee. Regular service takes working days. Chinese Visa Application Service Center (CVAS ) in accordance with consular districts listed below.
Select your region for the Chinese visa application service. Only eligible passport holders can apply for an ETA. Check the current global visa processing times and ensure you leave sufficient time for processing of your application.
People’s Republic of China (PRC) passport holders are not eligible to apply for an ETA.
While going to the embassy is not difficult, you still need to take off work, travel to the nearest consulate or Service Center, and go through the entire process yourself. (more…)