How do I transfer my NSW registration? NSW for 3 consecutive years immediately prior to your application. To register a change of name for a child under years , both parents must make a joint application. A Marriage Certificate.
A Birth Certificate issued by an Australian BDM, showing your name at.
In NSW, you can only change your name once in a 12-month period and times in your lifetime. If you change your name or use an additional or other name with the intention of breaking the law in any way, you could face criminal charges. Visit our COVID-page for information and advice on the assistance available for NSW residents and businesses. , or create your MyServiceNSW Account, or continue as a guest.
You must transfer the registration into your name within days from the date the vehicle comes into your possession , control , ownership or management , otherwise a late transfer fee will apply. Any individual over the age of who was born in New South Wales, or Permanent Australian Residents living in New South Wales, may register a change of name at the NSW Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages. Children under the age of must have consent of the parents named on the birth certificate, or a court appointed legal guardian. (more…)