Business registration does not offer the same protection of personal assets. The reason you register a business is more for the business license, which is needed to operate in some areas. Incorporating Your Small Business.
What is a business registration certificate? A business owner can hire an incorporating lawyer or a business incorporation service to form a corporation, or he or she can incorporate a business without any help.
A business registration is often a straightforward process that requires no outside help. All contractors and subcontractors must provide this documentation when seeking to do business with the State of New Jersey , and other public agencies in this state. First of al, it makes it much easier for potential customers to research and find you. Registration is often a cheap form of marketing.
Registering a business is usually a simple process. Furthermore, registration may help improve your credit score as well. If you don’t incorporate your business, you are personally responsible for its liabilities.
However, like credit cards there may be potent.