This letter can be used when looking to extend a probationary period due to circumstances arising from coronavirus e. If there is no contractual right to extend the probationary period , it is advisable to obtain the employee’s agreement to the extension, and the letter includes an option for this. The letter states that the employee’s probationary period will be extended because the employer has not had an option to assess the employee’s performance. When to use this model probation letter.
Normally, an employee who goes off sick for a pregnancy related reason during the last weeks prior to the due date will trigger the start of their maternity leave period. Coronavirus ( COVID-): latest advice for employers and employees. Example letters , forms, policies and HR templates for employers to use. And the letter issued as a warning as well as a second opportunity to the employee is called a probation extension letter.
Those self-isolating due to coronavirus for more than days can get an online self-isolation note from the NHS website. Employers might need to be flexible if asking for self-isolation notes. The current end date of the appointment will also be extended for one year, to coincide with the deferral period.
A request must be submitted to the office designated by the respective school and college prior to the solicitation of external evaluations of the. (more…)