Missing your Bricks Kidz class ? Mitula has a full range of Jobs listed. Join us virtually during this time of social distancing! Our Virtual Classroom offering Bricks Kidz curriculum uses a virtual desktop application that allows users to build our Unique Bricks Kidz models using virtual parts from our project kit. Every class is a fun, enriching experience for your chil using the classic bricks loved by generations of children. United States AL: Auburn AL: Montgomery AZ: Gilbert CA: High Desert CA: San Diego CA: Arcadia CA: San Ramon (Tri-Valley) CA: Santa Clara CA: Thousand Oaks CA: Los Gatos CA: Pac Heights CA: Palo Alto CO: Aurora CO: Golden- Littleton FL: Brandon FL: Miami Beach FL: Sarasota FL: St.
Petersburg FL: West Broward GA: Savannah. Students will be exposed to STEAM Park, WeDo 2. Kids will be challenged to complete exciting learning missions that will be the building blocks for their culminating project. Snapology provides fun, hands-on learning experiences for students in grades pre-K-8th grade.
From Robotics to Engineering to Video Game Design to Animation, there’s something for everyone. Choose from dozens of popular topics and themes. Tell me about it in the comments below. I’d love to know about your experiences. Although Play-Well suspended normal progam operations last spring because of the COVID-crisis, we have continued to adapt, innovate, and fight for Play-Well’s survival, creating brand new virtual programming to continue to connect our passionate instructors with their students, and the feedback has been incredible and humbling.