ABN Lookup served over 1. Access to the service is free and easy to use. What is checking an ABN? This allows you to find the ABNs of all registered businesses. Further, you can search all publicly available information on your business. They include: AUSkey.

An AUSkey gives you a secure login for online Government services for businesses. This prevents the need for remedial activity during financial audits, reduces the risk of funds being paid in error, and increases the opportunity to identify erroneous data more quickly. In short, though, if you’re carrying on commercial activities or plan on starting an enterprise, making supplies connected with Australia’s indirect tax zone or are a Corporations Act company, you can apply for an ABN.
If your application is refuse you have the right to lodge an objection. At the moment, Moneyou has a total of around 500clients in the Netherlands and Germany, mostly with savings accounts and mortgage loans. Be prepared – things to check before you apply. If you intend for this business activity to be less than months, on what date do you expect to cease business?

If you don’t know your code you can search by entering your main business activity or a key word that describes what you do into the search field (see example). Click through the relevant link and check that it covers your activities. (more…)