You can find the right business name with creativity and market research. Once you’ve picked your name , you should protect it by registering it with the right agencies. Just enter the name of the company you are searching for and click Search. If you need to narrow down , you can also specify a city or state to limit by location. CIK Lookup Find a company or person EDGAR filings by their SEC Central Index Key (CIK).
Go to the website of the business formation agency in your state and do a search there.
Simply enter the name you want to run a report on and click search. Business Intelligence on Over Million U. Enter key words for your search eg. Energy Sav for Energy Saver Windows this will give you names beyond what you are searching. How do you do a business name search? How to choose a great name for your new business?
USPTO personnel may not conduct trademark searches for the public. Private trademark search firms will conduct searches for a fee. Oregon Secretary of State Corporate Division.
The search is NOT case sensitive. (more…)